Chapter 19: (I used numbers!)

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"Ugh.. Mae, how long is this gonna take?" Mae and Bea are waiting at the police station for the results on what the thing is that attacks them constantly. "Just another minute! Stay patient!" They are both sitting next to the office on a wooden bench. "Mae, I can't stay patient when there's a ghost haunting us!" Mae's ear twitches. "I thought you said ghosts weren't real!" Bea sighs. "Look Mae, things change! That thing has vanished five times and human don't just vanish, and usually they have legs!" Mae hops off the bench. Nobody else was in the room with them. There was a box of toys and rusted metals. The rusted metals must have been some kind of metal toy that sat out for too long. "Bea.. I have an idea" Bea giggles. "Thats new." Mae throws her hands in the air. "THATS NOT-a lie.." Mae realized it was true. She barely thought of anything besides food and her friends. "Anyways, I think we should build like, a time machine, so we can go back to the past, and stop myself from passing the ghost!" Mae and Bea knew it was impossible to build a time machine. "Sure.. and how about we build a mega tornado to suck up only the ghost and nothing else." Bea added as she stops laughing. "Hey!-" before Mae can finish her thought, her aunt walks out and says, "come with me." They follow her to the office and into a room to the left. When they walk into the doors, they see a lot of news papers with covers about aliens and ghosts and demons, all the mythological beings, all over the walls, scattered. "You two saw that ghost a week ago, yes?" "Yes" Mae and Bea say looking at a newspaper labeled -Man supposedly sees a alien in his bathroom.- "well, that was the same day a young child named Cassie was missing on." Mae and Bea's mouths drop open. "CASSIE?!" They both yell loudly. "Shhh! You can't let other people know this, we don't want people leaving this town because a guy in a sheet is running around acting like a ghost." Mae and Bea look at each other giving a look that says, "we know what we saw." "So, we want you two to help us." Mae puts her hand on her chin. "Can we invite some people to help us? It's only two." Her aunt sighs. "Sure Mae. Just don't tell anyone else." Bea and Mae smile. "Yes ma'am! Alright Bea! We got a case to crack! SHERLOCK MAE TO THE RESCUE!" Bea nods her head and they both run out the doors and run to the snack falcon. "GRE-GREG! THE GHOST AND MY ANT AND THE SHEETS AND THE YOU CAN JOIN AND-AND WERE GONNA FIND IT-" Greg interrupts her jiberesh. "Mae, slow, down, and, talk, please." Mae catches her breath and pants a few times. "Ok, my aunt told us that we could help her find out what is up with that ghost and we could ask you and Angus to help!" Greg wiggles his arms in the air. "YEAH!!!!!" Bea rolls her eyes and grabs Mae by the back of the collar of her shirt and drags her outside. "Ow! Quit it Bea!" She continues to drag her to Angus' job. When they get there, they tell Angus all about the ghost and the invitation to help. "Sure Mae." The gang was all together to find this ghost and stop him once and for all! "Guys!" Mae shouts before they leave the video outpost. "Yeah Browski?" Greg says pushing the door open. "WHO YOU GONNA CALL?" Greg, Bea, and Angus all smile. "GHOST BUSTERS!"

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