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"Lets do this broskis!" Mae readies her guitar. "3,2,1!" The music plays while germ watches and eats some chips. 🎶 get ready, get ready, be steady, get ready! Its coming, it's coming, it's running, its coming! Autumn is here, it's here, it's here, nothing to fear, because it's here! It's doing well, it's doing well, if you can't tell, it's doing well! Come over some time, some time, we can make a rhyme, some time! 🎶 Mae strings along to every word and beat. She hasn't played in a long time, but she's fairly good at it. 🎶 Autumn is so, so, you know, not so go! I'm still here, still here, nothing to fear, when I'm here! The rain, The rain, has come again, the rain! Talk to me instead, me instead, I am glowing red, instead! People give me things, me things, all rings, me things! Don't stop laughing about it, about it, lots to get, about it! 🎶 greg wipes his forehead. "YO DUDES! THAT WAS AWESOME!" Greg and Mae fist bump. "So, Mae, what was it that you wanted to tell all of us?" Angus asks as everyone sits down and around Mae. "Well.. I had this dream the other night, and I had a bat, and I was going around, smashing things like stores, lamps, chairs, windows, power lines, and people. Then when I was about to smash the whole town, A giant dragon spirit thing came out of the ground and tried almost ate me and-" She stops. "And?" Bea questions. "I woke up, then I went to the picnic spot with greg." Gregs eyes were wide open. "Wow dude.. thats some illusion horror story shiz right there!" Mae nods. "I know dude! It was so weird.." Angus gets up. "Well, if you have another one of those dreams, do tell. Greg and I have to go." Mae and Bea had planned to go to the park while Bea was working today. "Ok! Seeya dudes!" The whole gang hugs and all leave to go where they have to go. Mae and Bea hop in Bea's truck and head to the park. "This is gonna be awesome!" Mae thinks as she looks out the window. "Hey Mae.." Bea sounded dead serious. "Yeah Bea?" Bea adjusts the mirror in the middle of them to look at Mae while she is driving. "What happened to that ghost?" Mae springs in realization. She forgot to tell her what happened. "Um... The ghost was actually one of your parents and it told me to say Hi for them." Bea doesn't seem to believe it. "My parents?" Mae was just as confused as her. "Yeah.. they told me say hi to Bea, their daughter, for them." Bea smiles. "My parents.." she crys with joy while looking at the road. They finally reach the park. No one seems to be around. "AWESOME! We got the whole park to ourselves!" They hop out of the car and shut the doors. "Ah.. smells like autumn!" Bea nods. "That's because it is autumn." They walk around looking at leaves and rocks and other things in nature. It was time for Mae to ask Bea something, but she felt too shy. "Hey Bea, wanna see my climb this tall tree?" She sticks her claws out and laches on to a branch. "Mae, get down, you're going to kill yourself."Mae shakes her head. "What? Cats always land on all four feet!" Mae continues to climb. "That isn't funny." Mae hops onto a branch and sits down on it. "IM THE KING OF THE WORLD BEA!" Mae hops up and waves her arms in the air. "Ok, could you come down now?" Bea looks around the field. Covered with grass. Swaying left and right from the gentle breezes of wind. "Ok ok fine!" Mae slowly climbs down. She hops off the tree and onto the ground next to Bea. "Next time, Im going to yell "IM A TOTAL TRASH MAMMAL!" Bea nods. "Please don't"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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