Chapter three: an old bestie

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She looks into the front door. Bea seems to be feeling useless and tired. Mae slowly opens the door remembering that Bea's mother died. Mae walks up to Bea. "Hey bea!" Bea jumps a little in surprise. "Mae!! Is that you?!" Mae puts her hands in her pockets. "Yup. Did you miss me?" Bea smiles a little. "How could I not miss a hyper desctructive non educated kitten?" Mae hugs Bea, but she doesnt hug back. "Im not a kitten, Im a cat! Im 20!" Bea looks down at her watch in surprise. "Well, my shift is almost over, and we dont have band practice till another 2 hours. So what do you wanna do?" Mae looks down at her feet like the answer to her question is there. "Maybe we can walk through the park or grab something to eat." Bea packs up and looks at Mae. "MAEby we can go and get something to eat!" Mae and Bea laugh hard at the joke. Mae stopped laughing to look at Bea. She had never seem her laugh since her mom died. She felt bad. So they walked out of the store as a manager puts up a sign that says "closed" on the door. They walk to the snack falcon where greg is talking to angus and laughing. "Hey dudes!" Greg looks at Mae and Bea and smiles. "What are you two love birds doing?" Says Mae as she looks at angus. "Not much, whats up with you two turtle doves?" Angus laughs at his own joke. "Whatever. Lets just go and get something to eat already." Bea looks impatient and happy at the same time.

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