Chapter thirteen: sleep.exe

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"Umm.. Bea, I don't think you should play it.." Bea knew why and didn't ask questions. She looked through the games again, when a clock rang to let them know it was midnight. Bea yawns. "Mae, I think we should go to sleep.." Mae takes off her boots and throws them at the foot of the bed. "Ok Bea!" Bea gets in Mae's bed and closes her eyes. "Night Mae." Mae lays next to her. "Night Bea.." Mae hugs Bea and falls asleep. Bea was still awake and couldn't fall asleep. She heard a noise earlier that night like a window got smashed open by a bat. She decided to not investigate with possible death on the line. Either that or a bunch of teenagers are throwing rocks at the windows. She hears another noise, this time it sounded like a whistle, then a boom. Mae woke up from the noise and was still hugging Bea. "Bea, what was that?" Mae was so tired she could barely keep her eyes open. "I don't know, but I'm going to investigate. Bea gets Mae's arm off her and walks downstairs with a guitar as a weapon and a trash lid as a shield. "Show yourself demons." Bea pulls out a flashlight. She flicks it on and sees a shadow, but nobody is there. The shadow looks like a monster that was waiting to come out from it's shadow. It stay still while Bea looks around. "This is like some gravity falls shit." Bea looks around some more and walks into the kitchen. She sees Mae's dad making a snack. "Oh, hello Bea." Mae's dad says as he pulls some chips from the cabinet. "Mae's dad, come look at this. Its super creepy." They both walk into the room with the shadow and Bea shines the light on the shadow. "Wow, that is very strange indeed Bea, but uh.. what are you doing with a shield and guitar?" Bea explains the situation and how she is creeped out by the ghost. "Well I'm sure everything will be ok. Now, get some sleep, you look very tired." Bea heads up the stairs back into Mae's room. Mae is fast asleep again so Bea decides to get some sleep. She gets in the same position again. But this time, she is hugging Mae.

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