Chapter two: friends

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"I wonder if greg still works at the snack falcon?" She walks down the street with leaves passing with every step. She breathes in the summer air, as she does, she remembers the flood and storms they had very recently. She wonders if it will happen again. She heads to see selmers, her old neighbor. "Hey selmers!" Selmers looks surprised. "Mae, you're back?!" Mae kicks a rock and looks at her. "Yep" selmers smiles. "Well, Seeya around MAEghbor!" Mae walks away giggling. She decides to head over to the snack falcon and surprise greg. She starts walking. There aren't many people around the town. While she walks, she sees something strange. It looks like a ghost. It seems to be staring into her soul. She continues walking despite this strange sighting. She reaches the front door of the snack falcon. She walks in and sees greg with his head on the counter. She slowly crawls under the counter, right under his head. She quickly jumps out yelling, "BOOOO!!!!!!" Greg yells "AHHH!!" When he jumps back and hits his head on a hot dog machine. "MAE, IS THAT YOU?!?!" He quickly jumps up and sticks his head over the counter. "Yep, sure is greg. Also, sorry about the scare." Mae's ear twitches. "Man, I missed you mae!" They hug over the counter. "We have band practice tonight, wanna come?" Mae sticks her hands in the air. "We still have band practice?!" Greg laughs. "If only! I don't think we're a band, I'd say we're more of a opera with a bunch of voice cracks in it." Mae giggles. "Yeah, I'll come." Mae waves goodbye. "Bye dude!" "Bye man!" She walks away. She looks at where the ghost looking figure was. It wasn't there anymore. She continues walking. She decides to head over to where angus works at the video outpost "too". She walks through the front door and a bell rings. Angus looks at mae with great shock. "Mae? Is that you?" Mae smiles. "Yep! Its me as I'll ever be!" She walks over to him and gives him a hug. "When did you get back here?" Mae looks at some old movies labeled "It". "Just yesterday." She picks it up and looks at the clown on the title. "Well, where are you heading mae?" Angus notices she is looking at the title and movie. "Well, I think Im gonna take it easy and go check on bea." Angus smiles and waves. "Well, goodbye mae!" Mae puts down the movie and waves while walking away. "Bye big guy." She walks out and heads towards bea's job at the ol' pickaxe. She cant wait to see bea again after so long.

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