Chapter 1 - How do you feel about her?

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*Jay's P.O.V*

I type the last few sentences of my report and glance around the squad room, smirking when I realize that I am the first one finished – a rare accomplishment. I look around the room, squinting slightly at the afternoon sun streaming in through the windows before my gaze comes to rest on my partner typing away slowly at her computer absentmindedly. She hasn't been her usual cheerful self today.

(Text messages)

J: hey partner, everything ok?

Erin jumped slightly as her phone vibrated on the desk beside her.

E: Yeah, I'm fine, just tired

J: Erin, I can see that you are upset. If you want to talk about it, I am always here for you

After reading the text, Erin looked up from her phone and gave me a sad smile before typing her response and putting her phone down

E: Break room in five minutes???

I nodded my head and watched as she finished typing her report, her forehead scrunching up in concentration. Once she was finished, she slowly rose to her feet and made her way over to the break room and shut the door behind her. The rest of the team looked up from their computers, the concern evident on their faces. I got up and knocked on the door gently.

"Erin, can I come in?" I asked softly.

A few seconds later she unlocked the door and pulled it open. I walked in and closed the door behind me, and noticed that she was sitting on the floor with her knees brought up near her chest and tears streaming down her face. I slid down the wall next to her and placed my arm around her shoulders, gently pulling her into my side. The tears were now flowing freely down her face and smudging her makeup and staining my new shirt but I didn't really care.

Once she had stopped crying she sat upright and turned to face me.

"Thank you" she mumbled meekly

"Anytime. Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, my eyes scanning her face looking for any sign as to why she was so upset.

Erin took a deep breath before responding, "That case really got to me that's all."

I nodded in understanding, stepping forward and wrapping my arms around her slight frame.

"How could a mother do that to her own child!" she exclaimed into my chest, choking back tears.

"I don't know," I replied sadly, hugging her tighter as she continued to cry into my chest. We stood in that position for a few more minutes as her tears started to subside.

*Flash back (Earlier that day) *

"Sharon, we have video footage of you driving away from the crime scene, we have your DNA on the body. We've got you dead to rights for the murder now tell us what happened that made you decide to kill your own son!" Voight yelled, getting in her face and making her shift uncomfortably in her seat.

"You really want to know?" she taunted; smirking callously, her question being met with stony silence. "Ok I'll tell you" she chuckled, "I never wanted him. That little brat did nothing but complain. I was trying to make a man out of him but he was too soft. I should have gotten rid of him the second I found out I was pregnant with that bastard's baby. Henry was just as useless as his father" she sneered cold-heartedly, her lack of remorse evident on her face. "Don't look at me like that detective, you couldn't possibly understand. You didn't have to put up with that little brat 24/7 like I had to," she continued defiantly.

"You mean to tell me that you don't consider killing your 4-year-old son because he was, as you say "annoying", wrong?" I asked in disbelief.

"Are you telling me you wouldn't have done the same in my position?" she responded, sounding amazed.

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