Chapter 22 - Sunsets

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*Erin's P.O.V*


It was late afternoon and Jay had chosen a sunset picnic on the beach for our date this week. We had a picnic basket full of food and a bottle of expensive wine to wash it down with. Jay carried the picnic basket and I carried the picnic blanket as we searched for a secluded spot on the beach. We eventually settled on a quiet spot under the pier and spread the picnic blanket out before lowering ourselves down to the ground. Jay sat with his legs crossed and I lay with my head resting in his lap as he gently stroked my hair. The sea was calm and the sun was only just starting to set.

"Would you like to start eating now or wait a little while longer?" Jay asked, running his hand along my shoulder and down my arm gently

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"Would you like to start eating now or wait a little while longer?" Jay asked, running his hand along my shoulder and down my arm gently.

"I am getting a bit peckish. What did you bring?" I asked, sitting up and leaning over to glance into the picnic basket.

"I picked up a roast chicken from the supermarket and figured we could make chicken sandwiches" Jay suggested, smiling at me. I smiled back and then licked my lips in anticipation.

Jay made us each a sandwich and we sat and ate in silence.

After I had finished eating, I lay down on my stomach facing the ocean.

"Would you like a massage?" Jay whispered in my ear, making me jump slightly.

"Yes please, my back is killing me" I replied excitedly.

Jay lifted the bottom of my singlet and suddenly I felt a cool liquid running down my back, taking me by surprise.

"It's massage oil" he explained, as if reading my mind. I nodded my head in understanding before relaxing again. Jay began massaging the oil into my back, relaxing more and more each second as I lay there with my eyes closed, simply enjoying the feel of his hands on my body.

"Hey babe, do you mind if I sit up?" I asked, rising onto my elbows and turning my head to look at Jay.

"No, go ahead" he replied, moving back to allow me to sit up.

I sat in between his outstretched legs as he resumed massaging my shoulders and my back. After a few more minutes, Jay suddenly stopped so I swivelled around to face him. Before I could get any words out to ask him why he had stopped, his lips were on mine. I moved to sit on his laps, my legs on either side of his as he slowly lay down, not breaking contact as I lowered myself on top of him.

*End of dream*

My heart was still racing as my eyes fluttered open. What did that mean? I mean, he is my type. He is kind, caring, he makes me laugh, he always has my back, and best of all he is extremely good looking. But he is my partner and Voight will never allow us to be together. Do I even want to be more than friends? I couldn't imagine my life without him and these past few weeks have made me realise just how lucky I am to have him as my partner. The moment I realised I could lose him broke my heart.

I felt the sudden urge to kiss him but the fear of what his reaction would be, kept me rooted in place. Trust me to develop feelings for someone I could never be with. 

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