Undercover Alliases

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*Jay's P.O.V*

I pulled up at the precinct and hopped out of my car and ran to catch up to Erin who was holding the door for me.

"Have you got lead in your shoes or something?" I joked, holding the door for Erin to walk through before following her inside.

"No," she laughed, "It's not my fault you drive like an old lady" she said playfully, turning and poking her tongue out at me.

I put my hand on my chest, feigning hurt. "I do not drive like an old lady," I stated defensively, making her chuckle. We continued inside and headed upstairs, bickering about my driving the whole way.

As we reached the squad room Voight handed us each a folder and turned to the white board.

"There is a weapons dealer operating out of a gated community in a western suburb of Chicago. The intel suggests that there is a big deal going down at the end of the week. We need to identify the dealer before the deal goes down and get those weapons off the streets. I need you two to go undercover in the community and identify them" Voight stated, turning to face us.

"Okay, what's our cover story?" Erin asked, glancing over the contents of the folder that Voight had handed her whilst I did the same

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"Okay, what's our cover story?" Erin asked, glancing over the contents of the folder that Voight had handed her whilst I did the same.

"Your names are Laura and Matt. You are boyfriend and girlfriend and are house sitting for your friend James Archer. We have James in protective custody because he is the only one we can definitively say is not the dealer" Voight replied.

"W... we are going undercover as a couple?" Erin stammered in disbelief. I started to worry that she would not want to go undercover with me and that she would hate me when she found out it was my idea.

"Is that a problem?" Voight asked, sensing her unease.

"No, I just wasn't expecting it. I don't mind" she replied, smiling at me reassuringly.

"Ok good. I want you both at the house by 9am tomorrow morning. The address and all the information you need is in those folders. Burgess and Roman will be your back up but they will be parked in the next street. You will also need to pick up an ear piece so that you can contact us at all times. Good luck" Voight instructed, dismissing us.

We headed back downstairs to our cars in silence. When we entered the now dark car park, I turned to Erin nervously.

"Are you sure you are okay with going undercover with me?" I asked cautiously, watching her as she turned to face me.

"Yes, I'm sure. This should be fun" she replied happily.

"Yeah. I'm going to head home and pack a bag ready for tomorrow. I'll text you and we can sort out the details," I said.

"Okay, I'll see you in the morning" she smiled happily.

We both got into our cars and went our separate ways.

Once I got home, I went into my room and pulled out my small suitcase and started chucking clothes in.

*DING!* My phone lit up, signalling that I had a text message.

E: Hey partner. How goes your attempt at packing a bag for the op ;)

I chuckled before typing my response.

J: I'll have you know Laura, that my bag packing skills are excellent. I have nearly finished packing. How are you going?

I stuffed the last few items of clothing in my bag before zipping it up and placing it by my front door.

E: We will have to see tomorrow won't we ;) All done and my bag is by the front door. I think you should drive tomorrow because it might look suspicious if I drive.

I couldn't believe what I was reading. She was letting me drive.

J: Do my eyes deceive me or are you allowing me to drive?

E: Very funny Jay. What time do you want to head off in the morning?

J: Is 7:30 okay?

E: Sounds good! Cya in the morning ;)

I smiled and got into my pajamas before sliding under the covers and falling into a restless sleep. 

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