Chapter 21 - Good News!

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*Erin's P.O.V*

I woke shortly before 7am that morning, the events that took place a few hours ago still weighing heavy on my mind. I lay still, not wanting to wake Jay up as he needed his rest. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Kim.

E: hey, are you busy?

Within minutes the little chat bubble showed on my screen, indicating that she was typing her response.

K: heya girl. No, I'm not doing anything at the moment. What's up?

E: Got a lot on my mind. Want to grab a coffee?

K: Sure. Be there in 20. Xx

E: Ok. See you soon xx

I smiled and gently shoved my phone back in the pocket of my jeans before carefully sliding out of Jay's comforting embrace, immediately missing the warmth being next to him had provided me with. I went to the toilet before heading down to the hospital cafeteria to wait for Kim.

*10 minutes later*

I stood up as Kim walked over, hugging her before sitting back down in the uncomfortable plastic chair.

"What's up?" she asked, her face filled with concern.

I broke down in tears before I could get any words out. Kim reached across the table and placed her hand on my shoulder, attempting to comfort me.

 Kim reached across the table and placed her hand on my shoulder, attempting to comfort me

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"I ... I don't know what to do" I choked out in between sobs, "Jay had a nightmare last night and he woke up looking absolutely terrified. It took ages for him to calm down and get back off to sleep. He has helped me through so much but I don't know how to help him through this" I continued in between sobs.

"Hey, hey. It will be ok" she said, pulling me in for a hug, "All you got to do is be there for him" she finished, squeezing me tight one last time before letting go.

"What if that's not enough?" I asked, wiping the tears from my eyes and trying to regain my composure.

"Erin, he lights up whenever he sees you. Your presence is enough to turn his mood right around" she reassured me gently. I nodded, smiling to myself at the thought of Jay being happy to see me.

"Thanks Kim," I wiped the last of my tears from my eyes, "I better get back before he wakes up" I say, getting to my feet and wrapping my arms around her one last time before making my way back to Jay's room.

When I pushed open the door, Jay turned to face me.

"Hey. Where were you?" he asked.

"Just went for coffee with Kim. How are you feeling?" I asked, striding over and giving him a hug.

"Better now that you're here" he smiled, hugging me back, "Is that a new perfume?" he questioned as we both pulled away. I smiled upon hearing him speak.

"Yeah, I thought I would try something different" I answered, moving to sit on the edge of his bed.

Before either of us could say any more Will and Natalie entered the room.

"How are you feeling Jay?" Natalie asked, moving to stand at the foot of the bed with Will.

"Pretty good actually. The painkillers seem to be working nicely" he said, sitting up a bit straighter.

"That's good. How would you feel about being discharged tomorrow instead of Friday?" Will asked, earning a smile and a thumbs-up from Jay.

"Sounds good to me" he stated enthusiastically, "Is it still ok if I stay with you?" he asked, turning to face me nervously.

"Of course," I smiled softly.

"OK, we will have your release forms all ready to go tomorrow morning" Natalie announced before both her and Will exited the room to continue their shifts.

We decided to turn on the television and watch a movie. Jay scooted over so I could sit next to him on the bed. We sat like that all day and watched movies, silently enjoying each other's company.

A.N.//// This book only has a few more chapters left but there will be a sequel. 
I am also thinking of making this into a series but I would like to know what you guys think. Would you like this turned into a series? I have heaps of ideas for the sequel and any other potential follow ons from that if that's what you guys want :)

Hope you enjoy this chapter

AJ  xxx

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