Does that happen often?

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*No one's P.O.V*

The next morning

As Jay pulled up into his partner's driveway, she stumbled out, closed the front door behind her and got into the passenger seat of Jay's Prius. As Jay took in her disheveled appearance, he became increasingly concerned for her.

After a few minutes, Jay still hadn't started the car so Erin turned to him in frustration; "Why are we still sitting in my driveway? We are going to be late for work if we don't get going

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After a few minutes, Jay still hadn't started the car so Erin turned to him in frustration; "Why are we still sitting in my driveway? We are going to be late for work if we don't get going."

"Did you get any sleep last night?" he asked, noticing the dark circles under her eyes.

"Not really," she mumbled, averting her eyes away from her partner's worried gaze.

"Ok, why don't you try and get some sleep whilst I drive. There is quite a bit of traffic this morning because there was an accident a few miles down the road about two hours ago," he suggested carefully.

"Yeah ok. Thanks Jay," she replied, a small smile crossing her face.

*Jay's P.O.V*

As Erin's eyelids drooped closed and her breathing evened out, I pulled out of her driveway and started heading towards the 21st precinct, dialing Voight's number as I pulled out of Erin's street. Voight answered on the third ring.

"Hey Halstead, what can I do for you?" Hank asked.

"Hey. I'm heading to get some coffee because Erin told me that she didn't get any sleep last night so we may be a few minutes late," I replied nervously, hoping he didn't mind.

"Ok, no worries. I'll bring you up to speed on the new case when you get here," he agreed, "and Jay?"

"Yeah" I responded, anxious about what he was about to ask me.

"Take care of her," he said firmly.

"I will," I promised him sincerely, before ending the call.

Twenty minutes later I pulled into Erin's favourite coffee shop and turned to see that Erin was still sleeping peacefully beside me, the sunlight streaming in through the window perfectly illuminating her delicate facial features.

"Erin, wake up," I whispered softly in her ear, smiling to myself at the way her nose crinkled up as she started to stir.

"W... Where are we?" she asked, blinking rapidly; waiting for her eyes to adjust to the light.

"I thought we could stop and get some coffee before work considering neither of us slept very well last night" I responded, smiling when her gorgeous hazel eyes lit up in delight.

"Wait, what about work? We are late!" she exclaimed, the panic in her voice rising when she realised that it was ten past nine.

"Don't worry about that. I called Voight and told him that neither of us got very much sleep and that we are stopping to pick up some coffee on our way to the precinct. He is going to brief us on the new case when we get there," I reassured her, placing my hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

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