Chapter 10 - Let's watch a movie!

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*Jay's P.O.V*

"We met at a book store. I went in to buy a book for my mum for her birthday last year and saw Laura sitting in an aisle reading a book, eating a donut and drinking a coffee. There is a massive sign on the front door of the bookshop that says food and drink is not permitted in the store. I went over and asked her how she managed to sneak in a coffee and a donut. She was so engrossed in the book she was reading that when I suddenly spoke, it startled her and she spilled her coffee all down the front of her jumper. It was the middle of winter so I offered to let her borrow my jumper" I explained, smiling at Erin.

"Yeah and he offered to walk me home so I accepted and on the way, we passed a coffee shop. He offered to buy me another coffee to replace the one I had spilt on my jumper. We ended up sitting in that coffee shop and chatting for hours about anything and everything" Erin added, returning my smile.

"We haven't looked back, have we babe" I said, covering Erin's hand with my own and smiling at her.

"So, what brings you two lovebirds to the neighbourhood? I wasn't aware that James was moving out" Susan asked, clearly fishing for information.

"We are housesitting for James whilst he is overseas looking after his aunt. The doctors say she isn't going to last much longer but she refuses to go into an aged care facility so she needs someone with her 24/7 and James was kind enough to go and stay with her" I responded, stuffing another bite of my ham and salad sandwich in my mouth.

"That's so kind of him. He's a nice young lad" Susan said affectionately.

After lunch, Susan and Bob walked us out and we headed home and finished unpacking our suitcases.

*20 minutes later*

What do you want to do this afternoon?" Erin asked, pulling me from my thoughts as I placed the last of my t-shirts in my drawer.

"How about a movie?" I suggested, watching as Erin's eyes lit up in excitement and she raced downstairs to have a look through the cabinet under the television for a movie for us to watch as I went into the kitchen to make us some popcorn. When I entered the living room she had spread all the DVD cases on the floor around her. I placed the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and moved to join her. As I bent down to sit on the floor, something outside caught my attention. I leant over the DVDs skimming over the titles to see if I recognised any of the films.

"I think we are being watched," I told Erin, picking up a DVD case casually, trying to pretend that I hadn't noticed the figure outside the living room window.

Erin leaned over my shoulder to have a look at the DVD I was holding and whispered in my ear, "Probably checking to see if we act like a couple when no one else is watching." Her warm breath on the back of my neck sent tingles down my spine and made focussing on choosing a movie very difficult. "That one sounds alright" she said, referring to the DVD I had in my hand. I loaded the disc into the machine and we sat next to each other on the couch, the bowl of popcorn in between us.

"Have you ever seen Cheaper by the Dozen before?" I asked, turning to face her. She shook her head 'no', her eyes glued to screen.

*2 hours later*

As the movie credits appeared on the screen I yawned and turned to face Erin, watching as she stretched out her arms and listening as her shoulder popped.

"I can't believe they had twelve children!" I exclaimed, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Yeah me either. I don't understand how anyone can manage more than four children" Erin replied, sitting up and turning to face me.

"Yeah, I agree. How can they afford to look after that many kids?" I asked passionately, earning a nod of agreement from Erin.

"I have no idea to be honest. You'd have to be a millionaire to afford that many kids. I also don't understand why she was willing to go through that many pregnancies. There's no way I'd do that!" Erin exclaimed seriously.

"Yeah. I have a question for you" I stated cautiously, watching as Erin raised her eyebrow, waiting for me to continue. "Where do you see yourself in five years from now?" I asked, taking Erin by surprise.

"I have never really given it much thought to be honest. But, umm, probably either married or engaged to be married and I'd like to still be working in intelligence" she said, a small smile finding its way onto her face. "What about you?" she added.

"I would like to still be working in intelligence as well but there is a woman I've had my eye on for quite some time now and I hope that by then I would have worked up the courage to tell her how I feel" I admitted sheepishly, avoiding eye contact with her. 

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