Chapter 25 - Merry Christmas

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*Christmas Morning*

*Jay's P.O.V*

My eyes fluttered open and my gaze came to rest on the sleeping brunette lay on top of me. Memories of last night came flooding back, making me smile. No words were spoken last night and no words were needed at the time. Last night was more than I could ever have imagined. Everything about it was perfect. Everything about Erin was perfect. I hugged her tighter to me, enjoying the feel of her skin on mine. I tucked a piece of her hair that had fallen onto her face behind her ear, careful not to wake her. She looked so peaceful when she slept.

She slowly began to stir awake, smiling at me as she met my gaze.

"Morning" I chirped, smiling back at her.

"Morning" she replied, rolling off me and repositioning herself next to me. I wrapped my arm around her as she snuggled into my side. "What time is it?" she asked, lifting her head off my chest to peek over at the clock on the bedside table.
I turned my head to look as well. "It's 8:37" I said, yawning as I rolled onto my side and gently pulled her closer to me.

Her eyes widened in shock and she sat up to look at the clock. "Oh wow, I haven't slept this long in years" she stated, lying back down next to me and resting her arm over my middle. "What would you like to do today?" she asked, tilting her head up to look at me. I smirked playfully and Erin rolled her eyes.

"I would like to start by saying Merry Christmas" I began, making Erin smile; "and I have something for you" I said, reaching over the edge of the bed and pulled the piece of paper from my back pocket. I handed it to Erin who looked very confused. "I wrote you a letter whilst I was in hospital" I explained as she unfolded the paper.

*Erin's P.O.V*

I unfolded the piece of paper that Jay had handed me. I began reading it nervously.


We have been partners for five years now but I am sure you know that already. These last five years have been some of the best years of my life because I got to spend them with you.

Before I met you, I wandered through life just waiting for death. There were days where I couldn't even find the motivation to get out of bed in the morning and I ended up just lying in bed all day. I used to push people away and drink until I passed out every night. My life had no real purpose and I didn't know what it was like to be able to look at someone and instantly feel uplifted. Before I met you, I didn't care whether I lived or died. I didn't trust anyone and I kept everything bottled up because I had no one to talk to.

However, since I have met you, things have changed. I no longer wait for death and I wake up in the mornings and jump out of bed and race to get ready and get to work just so that I can spend a bit more time with you. Any moment I spend with you is a moment not wasted. I never get tired of speaking to you and you are the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the last thing on my mind when I go to sleep. Your mere presence is enough to turn my mood right around and I hope that one day I can hold you in my arms and call you mine. I could go on forever about how beautiful you are and all the reasons I fell in love with you but I know you don't enjoy long-winded explanations so I will try and keep this short.

Your courage is inspirational and your beauty unmatched. I am sorry that it has taken me so long to tell you this but recent events have made me realise just how quickly life can be taken away. I don't know how long either of us have left but I know that I want to spend the rest of what I have, with you. So that leaves just one last thing for me to say: Will you be my girlfriend?

Jay xxx

By the end of the letter, there were tears streaming down my face. I looked up at Jay and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Why me? There are so many other women out there who aren't messed up like me" I started but Jay quickly cut me off.

"I don't care about those other women. I care about you. I love you. If I could give you one thing in life, it would be the ability to see yourself through my eyes. I am not asking you to love me back. All I am asking is for you to give me the chance to show you how much I love you. Never before have I feared losing something, then again nothing in my life has ever meant as much to me as you do. I wish I could explain your eyes, and how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. How your smile makes my heart skip a beat and how every time I'm with you, I feel so complete" he said sincerely, looking into my eyes. He pulled me onto his lap and hugged me tight. I pulled back and kissed him.

"And to answer your question, yes, I will be your girlfriend" I said, smiling as I leant back slightly to look at him. His face lit up. "But we have to keep it professional at work though" I stated seriously.

"Oh definitely" he assured me, planting a sneaky kiss on my nose. My stomach grumbled, making Jay chuckle. "I think we should get up and eat something" he suggested, playfully poking my stomach.

I got up and put my clothes back on as Jay did the same. We made our way into the kitchen and decided to make some pancakes.

Jay sat on the stool whilst I worked on making the pancakes.

"So, what do you want to do today?" I asked Jay as I flipped the pancakes onto our plates.

"I don't mind what we do as long as I get to spend the day with you" he stated, smiling at me and making me blush.

"I was thinking we could take a shower and then spend the day in bed" I smirked suggestively. Jay moved around the counter and wrapped his arms around my waist and planted small kisses behind my ears. I turned around and wrapped my arms loosely around his neck. We made our way into the bathroom, stripping off each other's clothes along the way.

We fit together like two pieces of a puzzle and moved together in perfect harmony. We spent the remainder of the day tangled up in my bed sheets. 

A.N.///// This is it folks, the final chapter of this book. I hope you enjoyed it. 

Thank you all so much for reading this book and I hope you will read the sequel as well. Thank you all for the votes and comments on the chapters. 

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :)

All the best 

AJ  xxx


The sequel will be called 'Partners in Crime'

Synopsis: Their line of work is dangerous and at any moment it could all be over. Everything they have each fought so hard for could be ripped away from them in the blink of an eye. They wake up every morning, unsure if they will return to lay their heads back down on their pillows that night. They go through life not knowing whether this time will be the last time they see or speak to the ones they hold so dear.

When Erin is abducted, Jay will stop at nothing to get her back but will he get to her in time or will this be the one case the Intelligence unit can't crack?


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