A Whole New Side to you

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*Jay's P.O.V*

By the time we made it back to the house, my heart rate had slowed back down into a normal rhythm.

"I'm going to go and have a shower and then head to the grocery store because we need stuff for dinner. Do you want to come shopping with me or do you want to stay here?" Erin asked, leaning up against the wall to take her shoes off.

"I'll take a quick shower once you've finished in the bathroom and then I'll join you" I responded, starting to picture Erin in the shower; the water dripping down her silky-smooth skin, her sopping wet hair clinging to her cheeks.

"Hey, you're staring off into space again" Erin chirped, snapping her fingers in front of my face and bringing me out of my day dream.

"Oh yeah sorry" I blushed, embarrassed at having been caught daydreaming again. Erin laughed softly and then made her way into our ensuite to get showered.

I walked into the bedroom to pick out some clothes to wear to the grocery store.

As I lay out my clothes on the bed, Erin emerged from the bathroom wearing only a towel, her dripping wet hair clinging to her skin. I couldn't help but stop and stare, her beauty absolutely captivating me and rendering me speechless.

"Wow" I breathed out, still unable to take my eyes off her.

Erin stepped over so that she was standing in front of me and slapped the back of my head. "My eyes are up here Matt" Erin said, rolling her eyes at me.

"Sorry" I apologised, avoiding eye contact.

She grabbed some clothes and went back in to the bathroom to get changed, my eyes not leaving her until the door closed shut behind her.

I sat on the edge of the bed and waited for Erin to finish getting dressed. A few moments later Erin emerged from the bathroom and I grabbed my clothes and got into the shower.

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

"Matt, you have been in there for 20 minutes. Can you please hurry up, it looks like it's going to rain" Erin shouted through the door.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a few minutes" I called back, switching off the shower, stepping out and wrapping a towel around my waist.

I quickly got dressed and exited the bathroom. I looked up and saw Erin doing her hair up in a high ponytail.
"Ok, are you ready to go?" Erin asked, turning to face me, to which I nodded my head yes.

Erin grabbed her hand bag and we both walked out to the car. I ran ahead to open the car door for her, making her smile. Before getting into the car, Erin stood up on her tip toes and planted a quick kiss on my cheeks.

"Thanks babe" she said, sliding into the passenger with a smile on her face.

Once I had closed the door behind her, I walked around the car and got into the driver's side. I put the key in the ignition, the smile still plastered on my face.

I pulled out onto the road and once I had turned off our street and onto the main road I turned to Erin.

"What was that back there?" I asked, returning my eyes to the road.

"We were being watched. I think someone is starting to get suspicious that we aren't who we say we are" she explained, turning in her seat to face me.

"If you think someone has made us we need to tell Voight" I said, starting to become worried.

"I think we need to start acting more like a couple and if that doesn't work then we can tell Voight" she responded, sounding slightly nervous. I gave her a reassuring smile before turning on the radio and returning my attention back to the road in front of me.

A few minutes later I pulled into the carpark of the grocery store and parked in the first space I found. We both hopped out of the car and headed inside. I grabbed a shopping cart and followed behind Erin as we made our way down the first aisle.

Erin gradually began placing a myriad of items into the cart, occasionally glancing down at her phone which I assume has the grocery list on it.

"What type of bread do you prefer?" she asked as we stopped in front of the shelves with numerous assorted brands and types of bread on it.

"White bread. Why? What type of bread do you like?" I said, watching as Erin grabbed two loaves of white bread off the shelf and placing them in the cart.

"White is fine with me" she replied, turning briefly to smile at me.

I followed quietly behind her as she placed item after item in the cart, checking it off her list as she went. I watched in amazement as the woman who I had become so accustomed to seeing kick down doors and interrogate suspects, acted so domestic and feminine.

I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice she had stopped walking, accidentally bumping into her with the shopping cart and knocking her over.

"Oh, my goodness, I am so sorry" I apologised, bending down to her to make sure she was okay. "Are you okay?" I asked, helping her to her feet.

"Yeah I am fine. It doesn't hurt that much" she said, lifting up her shirt to reveal a bruise starting to form just above her hip.

"I am so sorry. I didn't see you stop" I apologised, my heart sinking as she winced in pain.

"It's fine. I know you didn't mean to" she said, looking into my eyes and putting her hand on my arm reassuringly.

She turned her attention back to her phone and continued along the aisle, picking up the items we needed and proceeding to tick them off her list. Once Erin was satisfied that we had everything we needed, we headed to the checkout, paid for everything and loaded everything into the car and headed home. 

A.N.//// So sorry this took so long. I was busy with uni exams and a few personal things that I had to deal with. Will try and update again in the next few days. The next chapter will change everything so stay tuned

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