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The team sat silently at their desks, the magnitude of the terrorist plot that had just been foiled hung over them.

"Well I am going to head over to Molly's for a drink. Anyone want to join me?" Jay suggested to the rest of the team.

"Yeah, I could use a drink" Erin replied enthusiastically, a small smile spreading across her face which her partner then returned before turning his attention to the rest of the team.

The others were too tired and declined, heading home to get some well-deserved rest.

"Well partner, it looks like it is just you and me" Jay said, silently grateful that the others weren't joining them and that he could spend time with his partner.

"Yeah," she smiled. "I'll meet you there," she told him, grabbing her belongings and heading down to her car that the mechanic had fixed earlier today.

*Jay's P.O.V*

I drove down the busy Chicago streets on my way to the bar where I was meeting Erin for a drink, the traffic a blur as my mind drifted yet again to my partner. She had left her hair down today instead of tying it back in a ponytail like she usually does. She hadn't applied any make up this morning but I still thought she looked stunning. The sound of a horn brought me out of my little daydream and I realised that the traffic light had changed to green.

*10 minutes later*

I pulled up outside Molly's, noticing Erin's car parked a few spots over. I hastily made my way inside and made my way over to join Erin at our usual table. We sat and talked for hours and just before we got up to leave, my phone rang. I moved away to answer it after handing over the money to cover the bill.

"Hello?" I answered without checking the caller ID.

"Jay, we have caught a case and it is going to require you to go undercover" Voight informed me briskly.

"What's the case about?" I inquired nervously.

"There is a weapons dealer operating out of a gated community in downtown Chicago and the FBI wants help identifying them" Voight stated, sounding less than impressed that we were left cleaning up the FBI's mess yet again.

"It's going to look suspicious if I suddenly turn up and move in to one of the houses," I stated nervously, "it doesn't take a genius to work out that I don't belong in a gated community" I continued, my frustration seeping through into my voice.

We were silent for a few moments before an idea struck me.

"What if Erin came with me and we went undercover as a couple?" I asked cautiously. "We would be less likely to arouse suspicion if we go in as a couple than if I were to go in alone," I continued.

Voight was silent before begrudgingly agreeing that Erin and I going in as a couple would be safer.

"You'll both need to head back to the precinct to receive your aliases and to be briefed on the details of the case so I will see you when you get here," Voight said before ending the call.

I walked back inside to tell Erin that we were needed back at the precinct before we got into our respective cars and began the drive back to the precinct.

A.N.//// I know this is short but don't worry, I have planned out what i want to happen in each chapter. Things are going to start heating up from here ;)  

Please let me know what you think :) 

From AJ :) 

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