Case of Mistaken Identity

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*Erin's P.O.V*

"I can't find any anomalies in her bank records but she did spend a lot of money at high end retail stores. I wonder what she bought," Burgess wondered as I glanced over her shoulder at the computer screen.

"What about her phone records?" I asked.

"I was just about to check those," she smiled at me before turning back to her computer and accessing the victims phone records. I continued looking over her shoulder trying to find anything that could possibly point us in the direction of her killer.

"Erin," Jay called out to me and I turned towards him, waiting for him to continue. "Voight wants us to canvas the neighbourhood to see if we can find out anything useful" he continued, grabbing his jacket and his gun as I did the same, following closely behind him.

*30 minutes later*

"Shall we start at the victim's house and work our way from there?" Jay suggested, glancing towards Miss Winters' house [the victim].

"Yeah. I'll take the back yard and you can take the front," I suggested, smiling when he nodded his agreement.

*Jay's P.O.V*

We parted ways and I started scouring the front yard looking for anything that was out of place or any disturbances in the grass and bushes. I spotted what appeared to be a cardboard box in behind the bushes when suddenly, I heard a commotion coming from the back yard and before I could react a large, well-built man tore round the side of the house with Erin hot on his heels. The man glanced back to check where Erin was and hadn't yet noticed me so I stuck my arm out just as he ran past causing his throat to collide with my arm and him to fall flat on his back. I turned him over and climbed on top of him, digging my knee into his back whilst I handcuffed him. I dragged the man, who was now grumbling about having been 'assaulted', and shoved him in the back seat of the car, 'accidentally' knocking his head on the doorframe as he got in the car.

Erin called Voight to let him know what had happened before walking back to where I stood by the car, awaiting to hear what Voight wanted us to do.

"Voight wants us to bring this guy back to the precinct for questioning," Erin told me, rolling her shoulder in circles

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"Voight wants us to bring this guy back to the precinct for questioning," Erin told me, rolling her shoulder in circles.

"Are you ok?" I asked, nodding towards her shoulder.

"Yeah, I just landed on my shoulder when he knocked me to the ground that's all" she replied.

"Ok, well before we went all Kung Fu on his arse, I noticed a cardboard box under one of the bushes over there" I said, pointing to the bushes over by the fence. I led Erin over to where I had seen the box and put gloves on before bending down to pick it up.

"Should we open it?" Erin asked as I stood back up, the box still firmly in my grasp and walking over to the car and gently placing it on the bonnet.

"We don't know what's in there so we will have to be very careful" I replied, fearful of what awaited us once we opened the box. Erin handed me her knife and replaced my hands with hers around the box to keep it steady. I carefully sliced the tape holding the lid down and gingerly lifted the lid, making sure to check for wires before proceeding to open the lid all the way. We both let out a shaky breath when the contents of the box turned out to be a small thumb drive.

"Why would a package for the neighbour be under a bush in the victim's yard?" Erin wondered aloud.

"Well, once we have dropped that idiot back at the precinct we can plug in the USB to one of our computers and see if that gives us any idea" I replied, getting into the car and driving off once Erin had secured her seat belt.

*30 minutes later*

"I'm just going to grab a coffee before we get started" Erin informed me before I turned my attention back to my computer and inserting the thumb drive and waiting for it to load. It only took a few moments and as soon as I saw what was on the thumb drive, a wave of pure terror washed over me. I called Erin and told her that she needed to come back urgently and then I rallied the rest of the unit around my desk, twiddling my thumbs anxiously. A nervous energy hung over the team when Erin arrived and a look of confusion passed over her face when she noticed the sullen looks on all our faces.

I turned my computer screen around to face the rest of the team and watched as one by one, the same wave of terror washed over them.

"Oh my god!" Burgess exclaimed, raising her hand to cover her mouth in shock.

"Alright, we need to speak to the neighbour. What's his name?" Voight asked resolutely.

"Harold Clarke" Burgess piped up.

"Let's go!" Voight commanded, "Lindsay, Halstead I want you to stay here and go through everything that is on that thumb drive" he continued firmly, the rest of the unit grabbing their gear and following him out.

Erin pulled up a chair next to me and we began to read through all the information on the thumb drive.

*45 minutes later*

Erin's phone rang making both of us jump. She answered and placed it on speaker phone so that we could both hear what Ruzek had to say.

"It turns out that the thumb drive was delivered to Clara Winters by mistake and she figured out that her neighbour was selling secrets to none other than Robert Kessler" he informed us.

"Robert Kessler. As in Big Bobby K?" I asked in disbelief.

"What would a crime boss possibly want with that sort of classified intel?" Erin said, asking the question that was at the forefront of all our minds.

"We are bringing him in now so I guess we will find out," Ruzek stated matter-of-factly.

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