Chapter 8 - Neighbours

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^ Undercover house

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^ Undercover house

*Jay's P.O.V*

I pulled the car up outside the undercover house where Erin and I will be staying for the foreseeable future and gaped at it in awe. I looked over at Erin and saw the same look of amazement on her face. Her eyes sparkled and her lips curled up in a dazzling smile as she took in the sight of the extravagant house in front of us. I moved round to the boot of the car to grab our suitcases and hauled them up to the front door. I pulled the key out of my pocket, placing it the lock and swinging the door open before stepping aside to let Erin enter first.

"After you milady," I said cheekily, bowing slightly and earning a small chuckle from Erin before following her inside, carrying our suitcases up the stairs and into the bedroom.

"There's only one bed," Erin observed nervously.

"I won't tell if you don't" I joked playfully.

Erin frowned. "I'm being serious Jay. What are we going to do?" Erin asked, the panic in her voice rising.

"We could place pillows down the middle of the bed if you'd like?" I suggested.

"No, it's fine. I have never shared a bed with anyone before that's all. I'll get used to it" she replied before opening her suitcase and starting to unpack her clothes.

"Ok" I said, moving to unpack my suitcase as well.


Erin and I descended the stairs together and I opened the door, revealing an elderly couple standing on the front steps with a plate of biscuits firmly in the grasp of the woman's frail hands.

"Hello" Erin greeted them with a radiant smile.

"Hello, I'm Susan and this is my husband Robert, we live next door" the old woman chirped, pointing towards the house to her right.

Robert extended his hand and I returned the gesture, shaking his hand firmly. "Please call me Bob, everyone else does" he asserted, looking Erin and I up and down sceptically.

"It's lovely to meet you both. I'm Laura and this is my boyfriend Matt" Erin replied, a small smile gracing her lips.

"We are about to make lunch; would you like to join us?" Susan offered kindly.

"That would be lovely, thank you" Erin and I responded in unison, making us all chuckle.

"You two are just adorable!" Susan mused, handing Erin the plate of biscuits.

"I'll just grab my cardigan and we will be right over" Erin informed them, before hurrying inside to put the biscuits in the kitchen and then running upstairs to grab her cardigan.

"You're a lucky lad there Matt, she's a stunner!" Bob exclaimed, smiling at me warmly.

"Sure am. She is beautiful. Still can't work out how I got so lucky" I said honestly, smiling to myself.

Erin returned with her cardigan and we walked with Susan and Bob back to their place. Erin fiddled with the sleeve of her cardigan nervously so I interlaced my fingers with hers and she smiled up at me gratefully, squeezing my hand gently and sending my heart aflutter.

We entered Bob and Susan's house and took a seat next to each other on the couch opposite Bob whilst Susan went into the kitchen to make sandwiches.

We made small talk with Bob for about ten minutes before Susan returned, delicately balancing four plates in her arms like a waitress. We took our plates and thanked her for lunch.

"So how did you two lovebirds meet?" Susan inquired, smiling encouragingly at us.

I swallowed the rest of my sandwich before clearing my throat.

A.N.//// I'm sorry it's short. Hope you like it though :) Already started the next chapter so hopefully that will be up soon :)

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