Chapter 14 - It's You

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*Jay's P.O.V*

We pulled up to the house and got out of the car, Erin wincing in pain as she rose from her seat. I rushed to her side and swept her off her feet, carrying her into the house bridal style and gently placing her down on the couch.

"You stay here and I'll grab you an ice pack to put on your hip" I instructed, walking into the kitchen and returning with an ice pack.

"Thank you. It's not that bad you know. I have taken worse knocks" she said, tensing up as she placed the ice pack against her side.

"Yeah I know. I just don't like seeing you in pain" I said, my face softening as she smiled up at me sweetly, sending my heart aflutter.

Once Erin was comfortable I went and retrieved the groceries and began putting it all away in the kitchen. I walked back into the lounge room once I had put everything away, sat down on the couch, turned on the TV and switched on the movie channel. Without warning, Erin shuffled closer and snuggled into my side.

"There is a black SUV outside that has been sitting there since we got back from the grocery store and it's not the first time it has sat outside the house" she whispered, the panic in her voice rising. I discretely glanced over her shoulder and instantly saw the vehicle Erin was referring to, my stomach tightening in fear.

"Ok we just have to act natural and pretend we don't know it's there" I said, facing the TV so that it wasn't obvious to anyone watching that I was talking. Erin agreed. "There is nothing on so do you want to play a board game instead?" I asked, looking down at her as her face lit up in a child-like grin.

"Yes! I bet I could send you bankrupt in monopoly" she exclaimed, "but first I am going to grab a packet of chips because I am feeling a little peckish" she continued, smiling from ear to ear.

When she returned, I looked up to see what snacks she had brought back but the honey barbeque flavoured chips in her petite little hands were not what caught my eye. A red dot was positioned dead centre on her chest. I leapt up and dove on top of her, knocking her to the ground as the sound of gunfire rang out and the lounge room window shattered.

A searing hot pain ripped through me as I landed on top of Erin, the world around me going in and out of focus.

*Erin's P.O.V*

Jay lay on top of me, shielding me from the hail of bullets currently tearing up the living room. Once the gunfire stopped, the screeching of tyres could be heard as the shooter peeled off down the street.

"Okay, they have stopped shooting now. Can you please get up? You are starting to squash me" I said, gently shoving him to get him off me. He didn't respond. "Jay!" I said, raising my voice in panic but receiving no response. It was then that I noticed the warm, red liquid seeping out of the holes in Jay's side. A lump rose in my throat as I realised that Jay had been shot. I carefully pushed him off me and began applying pressure to his wounds.

His eyes fluttered open and met mine as he struggled to speak.

"Erin" he breathed out shakily.

"Yeah I'm right here. I need you to stay with me okay?" I pleaded with him, maintaining a constant pressure on his wound to try and slow the bleeding.
"You aren't getting rid of me that easily" he joked, making me smile. "That girl I was talking about," he started, pausing to catch his breath, "it's you" he managed to choke out before slipping into unconsciousness, his revelation rendering me speechless.
"Come on Jay, open your eyes!" I pleaded with him as the sound of the sirens got closer and his pulse got weaker.

Thankfully, the paramedics burst through the door at that moment and rushed in to help. I stepped back to let them do their jobs, the tears now flowing freely down my cheeks.

Once they were satisfied that Jay was stable enough to be transported they lifted him up onto the stretcher and wheeled him into the awaiting ambulance. I hopped in after him, sitting down and clutching on to his hand for dear life. I can't lose him.

The ambulance took off at full speed with the sirens blasting and the lights flashing, all the while Jay continued to lose blood and the paramedic struggled to control the bleeding.

A.N.///// Been so excited to write this chapter and figured that since I made you wait so long for the last chapter, I would try extra hard to finish this one as soon as possible. Hope you like it! Please let me know what you think in the comments :) 

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