Chapter 19 - Doctor's Orders

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*Jay's P.O.V*

I sat watching television whilst Erin took a nap on the bed that had been set up for her next to my own. She looked so peaceful and angelic when she was sleeping. Her hair had fallen over her face and every few seconds she let out a little puff of air, her nose twitching when her hair fell back onto her face. It has been two days since I woke up and Erin has been spending most of the day with me and has been sleeping here at night. The past two days have been spent playing cards or just reminiscing on old cases and how we got confessions out of suspects.

*Flash back*

Erin was perched on the edge of my bed, a devilish grin on her face as she placed a +4 card on the tray table Will had set up for us.

"That is just cruel!" I said, faking hurt before placing another +4 card on top and watching in amusement as this caused her to pout before proceeding to pick up eight cards

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"That is just cruel!" I said, faking hurt before placing another +4 card on top and watching in amusement as this caused her to pout before proceeding to pick up eight cards.

"I can't believe you just did that" she said, frowning slightly, and making me chuckle.

We continued placing cards down until a few minutes later Erin yelled out "Uno!"

I had no way of stopping her from winning, much to her delight as on her next turn she placed her final card down and did a little victory dance.

*End of flashback*

Natalie brought in some kebabs from the kebab shop from across the road at the beginning of her shift.

"Hey, I brought you guys some dinner" she whispered so as not to wake Erin.

"Thank you" I replied, watching as she smiled gently before leaving to start her shift.

I opened the bag Natalie had brought in and pulled out my spicy chicken kebab, deciding to let Erin sleep a bit longer. I turned my attention back to the television screen above me, continuing to munch on my kebab.

The smell of the food was enough to wake Erin from what was most likely the most restful sleep she had had in weeks.

"Hey sleepyhead, Natalie brought dinner" I smiled at her, holding out the bag containing her kebab and watching as her eyes lit up when she realised what it was.

She sat bolt upright and eagerly grabbed the bag from my hand as she perched herself on the edge of my bed and began chowing down on her roast pork kebab. At that moment Will sauntered in, a small smile creeping onto his face when he saw Erin sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Hey bro, how are you feeling?" he inquired, making Erin jump.

"Better for seeing your ugly mug" I joked, making Erin laugh.

"Hilarious" he responded sarcastically, rolling his eyes and shaking his head at me, "Got the test results back and everything looks good. You can go home on Friday afternoon but you will need to stay with someone for one week because you are going to need to take it easy" he continued, diverting his eyes away from the clipboard in his hands.

"You can stay at my place if you like. I can make up the bed in the spare room for you" Erin offered, smiling at me softly.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother" I asked, slightly taken aback by her offer.

"Yeah, I am sure" she smiled, squeezing my forearm gently.

"Thank you" I smiled at her, admiring the way her eyes seemed to sparkle when she smiled.

"Ok then, I'll leave you guys to it" Will announced, his smirk going unnoticed by Erin.

Erin stood to dispose of our rubbish and instantly her absence left a gaping hole in my heart. I stole a quick glance at her arse as she bent down to pick up a piece of rubbish that had missed the bin. She returned and again perched herself on the edge of my bed.

"What's the date today?" I asked, a look of confusion appearing on Erin's face.

Erin glanced at her phone before answering, "December 22nd".

"So that means Friday is Christmas Day. Are you sure you want to spend Christmas Day putting up with me?" I asked, worried she might change her mind.

"Oh wow, where did time go?" she laughed, "Yes I am sure. I would rather spend the day with you than on my own like I did last year" she admitted, smiling at me.

"Thank you" I said, pulling her in to my side for a hug, which she happily returned.

"Anytime partner" she said, winking at me as she slowly pulled away.  

A.N///// So sorry this took so long. Had a lot of problems with my internet and I have had a few personal issues to deal with. Hope you enjoy it!

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