Chapter 17 - Any change?

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*1 week later*

*No one's P.O.V*

Still he lay, unmoving and showing no signs of waking up anytime soon. Erin only left his beside to eat and to go home and change.

The intelligence unit were working day in, day out to find the person responsible for shooting Jay. The arms deal that they were investigating never went down so Burgess and Roman were investigating why that was.

"Hey Serge, you are going to want to see this" Roman called out urgently, fear evident on his face. Voight hurried over to look at the computer screen over Roman's shoulder. As his eyes scanned over the document, his face hardened in anger.

"FIND THEM!" Voight bellowed, storming into his office and slamming the door behind him.

"What did you find?" Ruzek inquired, leaning forward in his seat.

"I found our arms dealers. Robert and Susan Harvey" Roman informed the unit.

"The elderly couple next door?" Burgess asked in disbelief, "What makes you think it was them?" she continued.

"They only worked menial jobs before they retired, yet their bank records show that their net worth is well over 35 million dollars. Every other resident in the gated community have no discrepancies in their finances" Roman explained, turning the screen of his computer around so that the rest of the unit could see what he was talking about.

"Where are they now?" Ruzek asked.

"They purchased a one-way ticket to Vanuatu. Plane leaves in 90 minutes" Burgess said, grabbing her gun and vest. The rest of the unit following suit and racing out to their cars and taking off towards the airport.

*Erin's P.O.V*

It's been a week since my partner was shot. A whole week without hearing his voice, seeing his smile or getting to look into his mesmerising blue eyes. It had also been a week since he admitted that he was in love with me and had been for five years. How had I not noticed that he liked me as more than a co-worker?

*Knock Knock*

Voight entered the room, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hey how is he doing?" he asked, pulling up a chair next to me.

"Still no signs of improvement" I said, a tear sliding down my cheek.

"We got the guys responsible for the arms dealing and Ruzek and Atwater are on their way to pick up the guy hired to shoot up the house" he informed me gently, my eyes never leaving Jay.

"Who were the arms dealers?" I asked, taking my eyes off Jay and turning to face him, my jaw clenched in anticipation.

"Robert and Susan Harvey. They worked menial jobs right up until they retired six years ago but their bank records show they have over 35 million dollars to their name. They confessed and gave up the name of the guy they hired to take you and Jay out" he answered me, covering my hand with his own.

"The old couple next door?" I said, my eyes widening in shock. Voight nodded in confirmation. "They seemed so lovely when we spoke to them last week" I finished before turning my attention back to my partner.

A.N.//// Thank you all so much for 1.1k reads! I hope you are all enjoying the book. There will be 25 chapters overall and I have begun planning the sequel :)

From AJ xxx

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