Chapter 24 - Home

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*Jay's P.O.V*

It was almost noon and I was sat on the edge of the bed with my bag packed and ready to go. Erin rushed in, her face flushed and her breathing ragged. Her dishevelled appearance startled me. She very rarely looked so run down.

"Hey, where did you go?" I asked, continuing to take in her dishevelled appearance.

"Just had to talk to Voight about something. Are you ready?" she asked, quickly dismissing the subject of her recent whereabouts. I decided to let it go.

"Yes, but Natalie wanted to talk to you before we left" I said, just as Natalie entered the room.

"Those dressings will need changing every evening for the next ten days. I'll show you how" Natalie announced, moving to stand beside me. Erin watched on as Natalie changed the dressing on my shoulder.

"Alright, do you want to do the next one?" Natalie asked, turning to face Erin who paled slightly at the thought. Erin nodded her head, biting her lower lip nervously.

She moved closer and began copying what Natalie had done moments before. I winced slightly as the adhesive on the bandage kept its grip on my skin.

"Just rip it off nice and quick and then place your hand over it" Natalie instructed, an evil grin appearing on Erin's face.

"Can we discuss this fir..." I started to say before a sharping, shooting pain ripped through my side. The placement of Erin's cold hand on my side brought relief to the burning sensation and distracted me from the pain. She soon removed her hand and continued with replacing the bandage on my side.

She stepped back once she was done and looked at Natalie who smiled, obviously satisfied with what she had done.

"Alright, you are right to go" Natalie announced happily, clapping her hands together.

"Do I have to sign release papers?" I asked, standing up slowly to make sure my legs would hold me up. Erin picked up my bag after slapping my hand away when I went to pick it up myself.

"You aren't supposed to do any heavy lifting for two weeks" she explained, upon seeing my confusion at having her slap my hand away. "I already signed your release papers so we are right to go" she added, moving to hold the door open for me.

We slowly made our way out to Erin's car and by the time we reached it, I was exhausted. Erin opened the car door for me and I gently lowered myself into the passenger seat before Erin reached across me and buckled my seat belt. She placed my bag on the back seat before getting in and starting the car. Erin was silent as she pulled out of the hospital parking lot, anxiously tapping her fingers on the steering wheel every time we stopped at a red light. It became clear that something was weighing heavy on her mind but over the years I have learnt that its best to let her speak when she's ready.

It didn't take long to get to Erin's house. Erin hadn't spoken a word the whole ride here and I was starting to worry that she was having second thoughts about me staying with her.

I was startled out of my thoughts by Erin leaning over me to undo my seatbelt. I gingerly rose to my feet and followed Erin inside, the silence deafening. I sat down on the couch as Erin placed my bag on the spare bed before joining me in the living room. She reached for the remote to turn on the tv.

"What's wrong?" I asked, earning a look of confusion from Erin.

"What do you mean?" she asked, clearing not understanding what I was talking about.

"You haven't said a single word since we left the hospital. Are you sure you are ok with me staying with you?" I replied, turning in my seat to face her properly.

"Of course I am ok with you staying here. I enjoy your company" she said, blushing slightly and fiddling with the bottom of her jumper. I grabbed hold of her hands to get her attention, her eyes widening in shock as my actions caught her off guard.

"Then what's wrong? You aren't usually this quiet" I said, watching as she tried desperately to gather her thoughts.

*Erin's P.O.V*

Nothing was wrong but I didn't know how I was going to tell him that I am in love with him. He waited patiently for me to gather my thoughts, rubbing little circles on my hands with his thumbs. I looked up to meet his eyes nervously. I couldn't find the words to tell him how I felt so I did the next best thing. I leaned over, planting my lips on his. I pulled back when he didn't kiss me back. "I'm sorry. I..I.." I started, but before I could continue, Jay pulled me closer to him and reconnected our lips.

I placed my hands on the side of his face and moved to sit on his lap, my legs on either side of his

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I placed my hands on the side of his face and moved to sit on his lap, my legs on either side of his. Jay wrapped his arms around my back, pulling me as close to him as possible. Jay stood up, still holding me close and I wrapped my legs around his waist. We made our way to the bedroom, discarding our clothes along the way. 


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A.N.///// Hope you guys like it :) 

Only one chapter to go but I am in the planning stages of the next book. As requested, this is going to be turned into a series :)

Next chapter hopefully won't take too long. I will include the synopsis for the next book at the end of the next chapter as I have already written it. 

Thank you so much for 2.1k reads! So grateful for each and every one of you beautiful people! Please feel free to comment any suggestions for what you would like to see happen in the next book or even any ideas for a different story (doesn't have to be for Chicago P.D)

Until next time  AJ  xx

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