Tell me about her

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*Erin's P.O.V*

"Who is this mystery woman? Is she hot?" I asked enthusiastically, curious as to the identity of this woman.

"Hot? You have the entire English language, with its vast spectrum of adjectives and you settle for hot? You have done her a great disservice. She is far beyond beautiful. She is captivating, ravishing, alluring, enticing, and radiant. She's a stunner – she'll take your breath away before you even have the chance to introduce yourself" Jay passionately asserted, the look in his eyes softened as he spoke. I opened my mouth to speak but, before I could get a word out, Jay continued describing his mystery woman.

"Whenever I see her, she takes my breath away and instantly, everything makes sense. Before I met her, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason. She's the only one who I wouldn't mind losing sleep for, the only one who I can never get tired of talking to, and the only one who crosses my mind constantly throughout the day. She's the only one who can make me smile without trying and the one I'm afraid of losing. I fell in love with her courage, her sincerity, and her self-respect. It is these things I would believe in, even if the entire world indulged in wild suspicions that she wasn't all she should be. I love her and I hope that I can work up the courage to tell her so that I may spend the rest of my life with her" he finished, leaving me in awe of the extent of his feelings for this woman and wondering who the lucky lady might be.

"Wow" I said, totally in awe.

"I'm sorry to have unloaded all of that on you" he apologised, looking down at his lap.

"Don't worry about it. I don't mind," I said placing my hand on his leg to comfort him.

"Thank you" he said gratefully, covering my hand with his own.

A.N.//// I'm sorry it's so short. I hope you like it though :)  

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