Chapter 15 - Waiting Game

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*No one's P.O.V*

The world around calm, unaware as to the events unfolding within the ambulance currently speeding down the busy streets of Chicago. Sylvie Brett worked desperately to stop the bleeding as Gabby Dawson drove as fast as she could towards Chicago med.

"White male, late 20s, two gunshot wounds to the torso. We need all available personnel on standby! ETA 5 minutes" Gabby shouted into the onboard radio desperately as Jay began to flatline.

"Starting compressions!" Sylvie called out to her partner, beginning CPR.

Erin sat in her seat, watching in horror as her partner and best friend failed to respond for what felt like an eternity.

"Got a pulse but its weak" Sylvie announced, slightly out of breath as the ambulance pulled up in front of the hospital.

Several nurses rushed to greet the ambulance and quickly whisked him away inside, the young detective rushing after him before being stopped at the doors to the surgery suite. She slid down the wall, her tears flowing freely down her face and her breathing became laboured as the shock began to wear off and the gravity of the situation settled in.

*5 minutes later*

Burgess and Roman came rushing in, followed shortly by the rest of the intelligence unit. They each took a seat in the waiting room whilst Burgess went looking for Erin. She rounded the corner towards the surgery suite and found her leaning against the wall, head in her hands and tears streaming down her face. Burgess rushed over and wrapped her arms around her fellow detective. They sat like that for almost an hour, silent tears flowing steadily down Erin's face and onto her friend's shoulder.

"Do you want to go and sit in the waiting room with the rest of the unit?" Kim asked, shifting slightly so that she could look at Erin. Erin nodded, unable to voice her thoughts.

Burgess helped Erin to her feet and they both made their way into the waiting room. Erin lowered herself into a chair, still in a daze.

*5 hours later*

Erin and Burgess were the only members of Intelligence still sitting in the waiting room. The rest of the unit had left to begin looking for Jay's shooter.

The doors to the surgery suite opened and a doctor in blood soaked scrubs emerged and made his way over to the waiting room. Erin had fallen asleep in her chair and Will Halstead had to gently shake her shoulder to wake her up. Erin opened her eyes, still groggy from sleep but very quickly sat up when she realised who had woken her.

"How is he?" Erin asked, desperately seeking an answer. Will took a deep breath, nervously fiddling with his gloves and attempting to avoid eye contact with Erin.

"It's not looking good I'm afraid" Will said, looking at the ground to avoid looking into the young woman's now empty eyes.

A.N.////// Sorry this is so short. Hope you enjoy this chapter

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