The creature loomed over the fallen kingdom, eyes were the only thing you could see. It's body as tall as a 5-story building, covered in darkness. It crushed the already fallen castle and sat down on one of the tallest towers, which had been formed into a chair for the beast. He picked up a large picture frame which was like a post-it note in his hands. A beautiful woman, handsome man, and a small little girl stood there smiling, the creature crushed the painting in his hands. It said a few words, "The time is drawing near..."
Dusk awoke with a start, breathing heavy looking at her hands clutched around her blanket. The moon shone bright through her window but otherwise it was pitch black in her room. She mumbled, "Father..." the time is drawing near, the Shadow Lord will rise whether she likes it or not.
-----Dusk's POV-----
The time is nearing...this is bad, this is very bad. I'm going to have to make a life changing decision, I either kill my father and make it out, or I go down with him, or I'm the one that dies and he destroys the world. Things are bad, very bad, Shadow Seal must be preformed. I can't tell the guild, I just can't, not yet, either soon or when he actually escapes...
To get my mind off it I headed to the lively guild hall and went to the job board. Before I knew it I felt a hand on my shoulder, I completely jumped out of my skin and sun around. "Sorry," Gray smiled at me scratching his head, I sighed and nodded.
"It's alright," I smiled and looked behind him to see the rest of Team Natsu behind him, holding up a job form. Gray took it from Erza and handed it to me.
"We thought you should see this," he said and I took it from him reading it.
Information and Help!
Calling on FairyTails Dusk Shadows to come meet us in Hargeon Bay. We are archeologists that study shadows and light and we would love some info from you! Also, we have something you ought to see! -Shadow Diggers Reward 50,000 jewel"A reward for information and showing me something, that's odd, but they seem to really wanna speak to me...I'll go," I walked over to Mira and handed her the job, Team Natsu walked up to me.
"We're going with you," Erza announced
"They asked for me and me alone Erza..." I said back to her.
"It said nothing about you going alone," Gray stepped in.
"Fine...you guys can come..." I sighed not wanting to deal with it. "I leave now, since it's early, let's go," I walked out, they all scrambled after me, Lucy, Erza, Gray, and Happy came with,
We finally made it off the train, Natsu, of course gogling over being on transportation. I hurried ahead of everyone, my cloak flowing in my face-paced walk. Gray ran up next to me ahead of the others talking and looking around Hargeon, "What exactly are we expecting here Dusk?" he asked."I don't know, all I know is it was urgent they needed to speak to me, about something..." I looked down a bit.
"Something on your mind?" he looked at me with concerned eyes.
"Kinda..." I sighed, "I think my father might be emerging soon..."
"What?!" he said in a quiet shock, I nodded silently, "Well then, whatever they have might be related to that."
"I thought the same thing..." I said.
When we reached the port, there were 3 men with tan uniforms and large shade hats. They imediately ran up to me and started looking at me closely, very closely. As a natural response I stepped back for space reasons. "Oh our apologizes Miss.Dusk, we are just so overjoyed you came!" one of them said.
I smiled, "It seemed urgent so I came quick as I could, some of my friends tagged along if you don't mind."
"Of course not!" he said again, "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Professor Adam, studyer of the shadow realm and head of our program, these are my assistants and right hand men Nova and Lowel."
"Pleasure, this is Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet, Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel, and Happy...the cat," I introduced us, "May we get right into this?"
"Of course, quickly follow us, pleasure to meet you all," Adam said walking over VERY quickly, we had to run to catch up with him. They led us to a cave, and lit torches on the wall. I was shocked at what I saw, paintings of a kingdom, destruction, and a monster, and someone destroying that monster. I could read it, it was everything that had happened to me so far, which meant, I would have to use shadow seal. Everyone noticed the expression on my face, "You alright Dusk?" Erza asked.
"Y-yea...this is just....overwealming....everything that has happened to me to do with that realm...it's here," I said stuttering, the scientists seemed shocked.
"Theres one word in the whole thing and that is 'Virus," he said.
I nodded softly in shock, suddenly I got a pulsing headache and collapsed, all I could mutter a they surrounded me was, "He's here..."
Next Episode, Fight of the Fallen King
"This isn't the man I knew 8 years ago...that man is long dead.."
"You've been gone a long time, eversince you got hit with that spell, I've accepted this, the time it now!"
Hope you enjoys, bye bye~ Next Episode should be out before Wednesday 3/29/17, but I have a paper to do so yea...ALSO, if you wanna see fanart of Dusk, follow my account for her on instagram, sunshine_._dusk <3 byez~

The Twilight Fairy - Fairytail OC Story
FanfictionTHIS IS AN OC STORY IF YOU DON'T LIKE OC's AND PEOPLE CHANGING THE STORY A BIT BYEEE. Anyway, join Dusk on her journey to find herself and fight along side her guild Fairytail. Drama, romance, agnst. Dusk's life was never the same just a few days be...