Edolas Arc: The Final Battle, of Edolas at Least

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Episode 17


"Good to see ya Dusk!" Lucy yelled smiling while fighting, I smiled at her and went into battle with my own group. They were tuff but I was tuffer, stronger, and faster, however, the clip in my magic wing made it difficult to focus. I looked over at Loke protecting Happy and Carla, it was becoming a struggle. I tried to run over but was grabbed by a legion and shaken around, it threw me to the ground and soldiers surrounded me a bit, then the ground shook. A tree sprouted from the ground, with the guild mark on it, I looked over wide eyed holding my now cut side. Edolas FairyTail was charging into battle with us, I slowly stood up as I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned and took it and it helped me up. I looked up and jumped back my eyes wide, Alec and...myself...but with short hair. "A...A....A....." I couldn't speak, I couldn't move. They seemed confused and I steadied myself.

"Hello other me," the other Dusk smiled at me leaning on Alecs shoulder.

"WHY YOU!" I charged in and tackled the Alec and started punching him, "HOW DARE YOU GET HERE TOO, I WILL BEAT THE SHIT OUTTA YOU!" I screamed and was torn back by the other me

"Relax! Please don't hurt him he's my fiance!" she yelled as I broke away from her.

"FIANCE?! IN EARTHLAND THIS GUY RUINED MY LIFE!" I yelled pointing at him, they laughed and I glared walking off, "SHADOW CYCLONE!" I screamed and blasted back guards advancing on us. I glanced back, "Stay safe..." I sighed and jumped off into battle but stopped and breathed heavy and clentched my hand around my side. I looked down and pulled a blood covered hand off my side, that legion had pierced my scar from Laxus and it was bleeding, luckily not badly.

"DUSK ARE YOU HURT?!" Gray looked over from his position with Edolas Gray and Juvia.

"Fine, just a little blood..." I looked down then looked back up charging into the battle, I could easily take all these guys out but there were too many people on our side here. I suddenly felt my leg blasted by a gun and was shot back, my foot got trapped under a large rock, it looked like they had shot it with their guns. I glared and blasted them attempting to free my foot, "DUSK WATCH OUT!" I heard Lucy scream. I turned around to see the open mouth of a giant legion coming right at me. I looked at it wide eyed, I was too late to use a spell, I curled up looking at the ground waiting for it's bite. It never came...all I felt was cold air swirling around me...I looked up quietly and saw a frozen legion mouth over my body. The frozen legion shattered into pieces and someone pulled me up, "You really gotta stop being so dumb, we're in the middle of a war," Gray chuckled, I sighed and smiled at him, Edolas Gray seemed confused we were friends.

"Alright, let's show them some real damage..." Gray smiled, I looked at him.

"Are you sure? It will only get a group of them," I said, he nodded.

"Let's do it."


Gray and I stood together holding our arms out at a group of frozen in place guards, we said together, "POWER OF THE COLDEST SKIES AND THE DARKEST NIGHTS, SHADOW AND ICE, UNISON RAID, BLACK ICE!" a beam of black and light blue shot from our hands and intertwined, the guards were frozen in...you guessed it...black ice. "Shatter..." Gray said coldly and they were freed from the prison, I blasted them back into the sky. We smiled at eachother and charged back into the battle in different areas, we were shriking their numbers and fast. The battle was fading, I was breathing heavy, the blood had dried up, I could sense Edolas FairyTail was impressed with my skills, of course no one said anything. I looked up to see something crash to the ground, Gray thought it was Erza, the crash was huge and loud, but our cheers of victory were loud as well. Everything was cut short, the islands were falling, magic power was seeping out of Edolas, FairyTail was in panic, "Everyone calm down!" I yelled and everyone looked over at me, "I know things look bad but I promise you Edolas will be fine and will thrive without magic, magic power is a luxery not a need, you don't need it to survive. I have no right to say this...I can't lose my magic, ever, I was born with it, could use it the second I entered this world. Sadly, my happiness was ripped away when a demon named Alec destroyed my parents and my kingdom, the Shadow Realm, please, you will rise, you have eachother! FairyTail always finds a way!" I called out, people didn't seem amused but they had calmed down, I looked down and wiped my eyes as tears were forming, I stepped off walking away a bit looking at the distance. "I'm sorry...my words must mean nothing to you all..." I looked down, Gray set his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me.

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