Episode 11
I sat at the bar swirling my iced tea with it's straw, ice cubes slowly moving around the glass. The guild was lively as always but I was just trapped in thought watching the ice cubes spin.
"You know the cubes are gonna melt if you keep doing that," someone spoke behind me.
I came to my senses and looked to my side seeing Gray standing there smiling, "Hah, thanks," I chuckled at him and took the last few sips of my drink setting down the glass and sighing.
"You alright?" Gray asked sitting beside me at the bar.
"Yea, I'm just really tired for some reason," I shook my head, "I'll be alright," I smiled at him and stood up stretching, suddenly bells rang out and the entire guild got excited. One thing was running through everyones (except the new members) minds
I smiled, "The old geezer is finally home," Gildarts and I actually are pretty good friends, we have quite the history, he's kinda like a uncle figure to me. Magnolia sifted, good ol' Gildarts, gotta make so many precautions for his "destructive nature." I grinned and crossed my arms as the stocky caramel haired man walked through the doors asking if he had the right place. I just laughed and said, "Nah, this is FairyTail," he looked at me wide eyed as I had grown a lot in 2 years.
"Wow look at you, a real young lady now," he chuckled, I smiled.
"Meh, you look the same," we laughed, the guild smiled. Within seconds though, in came a firey pink haired dragon slayer wanting a fight, and getting blown through the roof. Ah, memories came flying back.
A year after Dusk joined FairyTail, the fight between Natsu and Gildarts on the beach.
Dusk stood there reading her book on magic her father gave her when she was forced through the portal, tilting her reading glasses up on her face to help her translate the magic symbols. The little girl was 11, standing beside her friends watching little Natsu try to face off against a mature Gildarts. We all know the outcome, Natsu lost, miserably, it was quite funny. "Any of you other kids wanna go?" the cocky Gildarts said. Everyone else stepped back but I shut my book and handed that and my glasses to Gray, I didn't know Gildarts that well back then and all of the kids told me I was crazy. I just shrugged being the cocky kid I was, no one in the guild but Gray really knew my magic that well because I only went on job with him, I stood a few feet from Gildarts, he TOWERED over me, short then short now. I looked up at Gildarts and took a fighting stance, he just stood there arms crossed and smirked. Black mist surrounded me and spun quickly, I cast out my hand and a magic circle appears, "Shadow Blast!" I yelled shooting a beam of darkness out of the cirlce, I took my other hand and cast another circle on top of it, "Black Knight Powerup!" I yelled again firing another black beam which combined with the first. I could do a unison raid with myself, even that young I was strong, but my magic wasn't strong enough for large Gildarts. However, when the smoke cleared, Gildarts had his arms braced and he was knocked back about 15 feet. The kids shared at me in shock as I pounded my hand in the air, "All right!" I said victorious. I looked at the others pumped and smiles and they all had their jaw dropped, even Natsu, who was on the ground, was in shock. I just smiled, "Behold the power of the shadow realm."
--- End of Flashback ---
A few hours later I was looking at the job board and saw something.
Broken Machines at the Magnolia Bakery
Preferable Wizards are Dusk Shadows and Gajeel Redfox
Reward: 25,000 jewel each
I looked at it and grabbed it walking over to the iron dragon slayer who was munching on a knife. "Hey Gajeel look at this," I said showing him the job, "Do you wanna go? I don't care much about the money so you can have half of my share, it's pretty easy for me to do jobs anyway," I smiled.
"Yea sure why not," he said in a cold tone and got up, luckily the job was in Magnolia so it was pretty easy to just walk there. "What do you think is broken?" he asked on our way there.
"Probably a machine or something, he probably needs some heavy lifting or work with iron, and my magic probably, who knows, it's a quick job," I shrugged and continued on. We walked into the "closed" bakery a few minutes later, the baker came running out to greet us, "Thank you both so much for coming, it's an honor Lady Dusk! And your skills are impeciable Mr. Gajeel!" he complimented us.
I smiled, "Oh please, I come in here every once and awhile, just call me Dusk."
"Yea, you can just call me Gajeel," Gajeel said smiling a bit, "Now what do you need fixed?"
"Ah yes! Please follow me! It's my magical oven that bakes all my tasty treats, it just stopped working, the iron gears are being quiet strange, Dusk you're assistance is helping use your senses to route the problem, if you would be kind enough to use them."
"Of course, we took your job and we are going to complete it," I smiled at the little man and walked back with Gajeel, the oven looked in bad shape, screws, lacrimas, corks, gears, all out of place, it looked like it had been hit with a giant hammer. "Geez! Wow! Must of been over worked," I exclaimed.
"Oh dearie I hope it's not to much trouble, my apologizes," he said sadly.
"No! we can fix it, it's fine," I smiled, Gajeel nodded and looked at the sticking out parts and took them off, I used my magic to re create them and fix them and he put them back in the machine. We actually made a pretty good team and Gajeel was actually and alright person for what they told me happened with Phantom Lord. Within an hour we finished, the baker thanked us with the money and an iron cupcake for Gajeel, which he happily enjoyed and a sweet "shadow" cupcake as he called it, it was delicious. We thanked him and headed back to the guild when the sky turned black. I looked up shocked and saw a bright light and within seconds Magnolia was being torn from the ground and a bright light flashed and everything was gone...I dropped to my knees. Gajeel put a hand on my shoulder and helped me up, "Everything...is gone..." I said softly almost breaking into tears.
"What the crap?!" Gajeel screamed looking around. Then suddenly a figure approached us, someone I had run into before, Mystogan. He removed his hood and revealed to look like...Jellal?! I was shocked by this but then he explained that Magnolia and FairyTail have been taken to a place called Edolas and gave us each a little drop of something and gave us the "jar" of it. He told us this would let us use our magic in Edolas and explained that it was another realm where they were running out of magic so something called the "Anima" had taken Magnolia for it's magic power. Then suddenly I felt weird and Gajeel and I began to rise up, "What the?!" I yelled.
"Relax, you're going to Edolas, save everyone," Mystogan smiled at us then we disapeared, pain surged through then calmed, we appeared in a strange rocky landscape. I made my cloak appear and Gajeel pulled his hood up, we smirked and headed for the Grand Royal city.
---- End ----
Next Episode: A different Dusk
"What the crap?!"
"You look like a walking soccerball Gray!"
"Gray stop pestering my darling."
"Who the hell are these guys?"
Who is making an apperance next chapter? Who would dare call Dusk "my darling" hm hm? What awaits in this strange world? Find out next chapter!
AND IT'S HERE, I hope you all enjoy. For updates on the story and more fanart of Dusk and some art of scenes in the upcoming story, follow my instagram dusk_of_fairytail and I will see you all next time!

The Twilight Fairy - Fairytail OC Story
FanficTHIS IS AN OC STORY IF YOU DON'T LIKE OC's AND PEOPLE CHANGING THE STORY A BIT BYEEE. Anyway, join Dusk on her journey to find herself and fight along side her guild Fairytail. Drama, romance, agnst. Dusk's life was never the same just a few days be...