Episode 3
-----------------------Dusk's POV
I struggled on the ground looking up at Laxus, mind and body pulsing, my brain everywhere having to see my friends fighting eachother. Freed came in for a few minutes but he just followed Laxus' lead. My body ached in pain, blood dripping past my hand covering my hip, it was getting hard to breath and hard to think straight, but I pulled through best I could. I slowly rose to my feet, as I did I looked up to see Mystogan had arrived, but Laxus had his focus on me.
"Ah ah, don't get up now," he just smirked and fired lightning at me, I braced myself for the attack, being blown back against the wall and crippling to the ground, I breathed heavy blood dripping down from my side.
"Laxus...I know....you want a strong FairyTail....but have some human.....decentcy....You're going to kill me!" I said struggling. He seemed to understand and turned to an angry Erza and a ready-to-fight Mystogan. I grinned as they engaged in battle, getting angry at him shocking Erza and fighting them back.
"Man, Well, I guess if I can't be the strongest in Fairytail, I'll just have to destroy the competetion," he said with a sly grin turning towards me as Erza and Mystogan, or rather Jellal, or not Jellal, it's confusing. He charged up his magic facing me weak on the ground, I widened my eyes. 'Was he really going to kill me?! No! He can't! I'm too weak now to fight back, shit...I never got to tell Gray...gah! here comes the blast...' I braced for the impact but as the light rushed toward me I felt myself grabbed off the ground and...heat? I looked up to myself in Grays arms and Natsu...EATING LAXUS' LIGHTNING?! "Gray get her outta here!" Natsu yelled at Gray, he nodded and ran out, still carrying me bridal style.
We arrived at the guild where Dramacon was helping Porlyusica with the injured. Gray gently set me down on one of the tables, I was still holding my side as Dramacon came over to tend to me, "Gray," he started, "You can go back out and help the others, I'll deal with her," Gray nodded and smiled at me and then all of a sudden I felt a sting at my side. I hadn't realized Dramacon had started cleaning my wound and wrapping it, I flinched at the pain but I pulled through. "That's going to scar child...forever," he sighed, I nodded sadly not being able to find the right words.
"That's ok...A little scar never hurt anyone," I smiled at my beloved caretaker/knight. He smiled back as he secured my wrap around my waist and helped me up then went back to helping Porlyusica, I looked over at injured gramps and then ran out to the others looking at the thunder palace. I looked at Erza about to start attacking them and smirked. I looked to my side to see Gray smiling slyly. I looked up at the Thunder Palace with everyone else and prepared for the hard attack.
Sorry this is kinda short, Next Episode will be the last in this Arc: Finally Over, Let's enjoy Fantasia!
I hope you enjoy, see you all soon, sorry I'm late but I've been busy with school and TOTALLY NOT PROCRASTINATING. See yall later <3

The Twilight Fairy - Fairytail OC Story
FanficTHIS IS AN OC STORY IF YOU DON'T LIKE OC's AND PEOPLE CHANGING THE STORY A BIT BYEEE. Anyway, join Dusk on her journey to find herself and fight along side her guild Fairytail. Drama, romance, agnst. Dusk's life was never the same just a few days be...