Battle of FairyTail Arc: Mrs. FairyTail Disaster

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Episode 2


Dusks POV


The guild has done such a good job preparing for Fantasia, I'm quite impressed. After I spoke with Gray yesterday I went back to my apartment in Fairy Hills for some much needed relaxation. My apartment was simple, subtle, but large, it's main color scheme consisted of black and white with some suns and moons hanging from the ceiling in some places. Above my bed hung a picture of myself and in the corner I had a small shrine with two pictures of my mother and father with candles around them. It felt so good to be back home in Magnolia and back with the guild. Sure, I had only been gone 3 months but it felt like forever, and so much has changed. Walking down the streets of Magnolia I recieve smiles from everyone, everyone is so kind here, I'm so lucky. I finally make it to the guild and walk in and what do I see...Natsu and Gray fighting and Erza nowhere to be seen. I rolled my eyes, predictable, yet I still chuckled, "ALRIGHT, ENOUGH!" I yelled, they imediately stopped. I laughed, "How many times do Erza and I have to tell you morons to calm down, or as you would say Gray, chill," I smirked and before they could see anything raised my hand, a peice of black ice shot right toward them and pinned them both to the wall. "MERCY!" the boys cried, I was just laughing pyscotic like, getting scared looks from all our new members. "Ah, that was a good laugh," I said wiping a tear from my eye, "Fine..." I say chuckling a final time and releasing them, watching as they dropped to the ground. The master came on stage and called everyone to order for the Mrs. FairyTail contest, I quickly made my way backstage along with everyone else. Apparently I was supposed to go before Lucy, so second to last I guess.

Normal POV

"And our second to last contestant, you know her, your love her, shes the princess of Twilight, Dusk!" the announcer said as the wizard walked out. She sported a one peice swimsuit that crossed all down the front. She struck a pose and winked and walked off with cheers from her guild mates. As Lucy went however, that's when Evergreen showed up and revealed all the girls backstage set in stone, she quickly turned Lucy to stone as well. Everyone in the guild looked angry as the Thunder Legion appeared and Laxus went over to the girls grinning. He quickly said his little speech and threat while he leaned on Dusks shoulder, but suddenly her stone started to crack. The stone broke around the shadow wizard and revealed a very angry Dusk stepping back from Laxus. "How dare you, you're a member of FairyTail, we're your family!" Dusk screamed at him.

"How did you break my stone?!" Evergreen yelled, Bickslow and Freed standing in front of Laxus.

"Easy, I'm that much more powerful then you," Dusk replied glaring, "I won't tolerate this behaviour, this isn't FairyTail, but you know what, I won't fight you either because I swore to my self never to hurt a teamate because they're being an idiot," Dusk finished off standing still. All of a sudden a lightning blast came from no where and blasted the shadow against the wall dropping her to the ground after she slammed into it. "LAXUS!" Makarov yelled and Gray and Natsu ran over to Dusk. "Cya later old man, theres no room for weaklings in my FairyTail," Laxus said disapearing. Gray and Natsu helped Dusk up, "You gonna be ok?" the ice wizard said,

"Yea," Dusk said rubbing her head, "That bastard..." Dusk stood up and cracked her knuckles. Laxus made an announcement about how the fairies would have to fight eachother and everyone ran out for a chance at Laxus imediatly. Dusk stayed behind and went to go get changed as Makarov tried to leave but couldn't. Dusk walked out as the enchantment revealed Natsu nor Makarov could leave, "Dusk child you have to go out there..." Makarov said. The shadow looked at Gray looking back before running off, "I can't Makarov I..." Dusk started.

"I know, you refuse to hurt any of your guild mates, but you at least have to get to Laxus, or Porlyusica, for the girls," The master said.

"Reedus already went, I'll use my shadow speed to get to Laxus, but I refuse to fight him, I'll try to reason with him," Dusk said agreeing, the master nodded and Dusk's body faded into black mist and zoomed off extremely fast.


Dusk's POV


Buildings whisked passed me, I saw Freed had set enchantments to trap FairyTail and make them battle eachother. It was awful, having to see my beloved guild mates being forced to fight, I came to this guild seeking something, an I found it, my new family for the one I lost. Now, having to see this family fight, seemed insane to me, but I refused to fight Laxus, I was going to try and talk with him. I slowly faded out of the shadows in front of the cardiac cathederal, I glared at it's front doors and stormed in, "LAXUS," I yelled looking at him just standing there smirking

"Well, you got here later than I thought," he said.

"You know I won't fight you, I refuse to, I just want to talk," I started, "What you're doing is wrong, you have to stop this, this isn't FairyTail, this isn't who we are, we're a family."

"I don't care," he chuckled, "I'm going to rebuild FairyTail, and only the strong will be allowed to stay," All of a sudden lighting shot toward me and I got blown back slamming against the wall. I groaned and slowly pushed myself up, "And it seems you have become my opponent," he grinned.

"I REFUSE TO FIGHT YOU!" I yelled getting up glaring at him holding my side which had been struck.

"Awe, it seems you're bleeding little shadow," he smirked looking at my side.

I quickly looked down at my hand which had been stained in blood, man, he got my really hard in my side, at least it's not the side with my guild mark, "Beat me up all you want, you know if I tried I could very easily beat you," I said.

"I know, but it's fun to think you can talk me out of this," he chuckled again smirking and turned his back to me watching a Lacrama screen with all the battles.

"Don't do this Laxus," I struggled to say falling to my knees from bloodloss, "I'll die at this rate."

"You'll be fine if you're strong," he glared back at me. Sadly, this was Laxus, what had he become, I couldn't belive it. I watched as Laxus talked to Natsu and Gramps as a hologram, I couldn't do anything, shit, this was bad. No, I won't fight him, I refuse.



I've been dealing with some personal stuff along with school and haven't really wanted to write. Next Episode: Natsu to the rescue

Yes, this is very OC based, because this is a story about my OC, deal with it

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