Episode 7
It was over, his body disappeared, Gray rushed forward to a falling Dusk. Once she was caught she was taken to the infirmary in the guild hall. She was deemed in critical condition by Porlyusica and everyone was asked to leave while she did all she could, of course Gray rebelled against this and it took Erza, Natsu, Lucy, Happy, and Cana to get him away.
Hours past, they felt like days, soon a full day had passed and the door hadn't been opened. Gray was restless, pacing back in forth in front of the door, Erza had to personally guard it, even though she was also worried for her friend. Finally, at noon the next day the door opened and Porylusica walked out, the master walked up to her, all she said was, "I've done all I can for her, shes extremely unstable...another second of that spell and she would have died..." and with that the healer walked off and the ice mage ran into his friends' side.
Her body was frail and weak, skin more pale then normal, breathing off motion and unsteady. Dusk just laid there like a dead body, limp, gone, eyes shut, expression grim. This is was Shadow Seal does to it's user. If you are the same strength as them, they die as well as you, if you are weaker then them you die before the spell is complete, being stronger then them is the only way for you to live and for them too die. Dusk and her father were very close in power, but luckily, born with her mothers courage and her fathers stubbornness she pulled through and turned out stronger then him. Gray sat beside her and looked at his friend fearfully, sadness and hurt in his eyes. Erza walked over the ice mage and reassured him by placing her hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry Gray, she'll be alright, if anyone can make it through it's her," she smiled.
"I don't know Erza...She's looking death right in the eye, the grave is breathing down her neck...I can't lose her, I promised her I wouldn't let her go again..." he said softly looking at the shadow wizard. Erza smacked him upside the head.
"Don't say that Gray! She'll be fine!" she scolded him glaring.
"Fine, I'll leave you but hear me, she will be fine..." she said gently as he rubbed his cheek and she left. The ice mage sighed and pulled up a chair instead of sitting on the bed. He didn't leave her side at all, not even to go home, kind enough, Mira brought him dinner since everyone knows how much Gray cares about Dusk.
Darkness...All that was around was darkness. I stood up and all of a sudden it became a field of light, white flowers with a bright blue sky.
I looked down and saw a long flowy white dress on my body, I was very confused, wasn't I asleep, wait...was I dead? No, I'm alive I can feel it, this must be in my head. I looked forward and saw, A beautiful woman with long white hair and crystal eyes, she had the color sceme of white. A broad proud man stood beside her with grey eyes and black hair, his color sceme was black. Estinara and Midnightus...The Queen of Light and the King of Shadows...The Lady of Light and the Lord of Shadows...my parents. In front of them stood a young girl, she has both their features, the womans kind face and pale skin, and the fathers eyes and hair. She smiled at me and said, "Hello Dusk," she had a high pitched adorable voice and a bright smile, my parents just stood behind her...or me. "Who are you...or well...you're me aren't you..." I said.
"Yes Dusk, I'm you from the past! I'm here to speak to you!" she said happily, my parents slowly disapeared behind her smiling, I went to speak out to reach out to them, "It's alright Dusk, they'll be back now...let us speak..." she said.
Next Episode: Words They Say
"All these memories..."
"I am you and you are me...."
"We couldn't be more proud of you our child..."
"Don't worry, this isn't the end of your story..."
"You're awake! Yes!"
"Gray...please don't yell..."

The Twilight Fairy - Fairytail OC Story
Hayran KurguTHIS IS AN OC STORY IF YOU DON'T LIKE OC's AND PEOPLE CHANGING THE STORY A BIT BYEEE. Anyway, join Dusk on her journey to find herself and fight along side her guild Fairytail. Drama, romance, agnst. Dusk's life was never the same just a few days be...