Shadow Lord Arc: Ending

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Episode 9


Gray's POV


I had gone to go get a book to read while I waited, it's been a week and she still isn't awake. We've had a few scares with her not breathing for a few seconds, man Dusk why do you have to worry me so much. As I walked around the curtain covering her bed I saw it...Dusk sitting up looking out the window, the light shined on her like a godess, in shock I dropped my book and she looked over at me. "Dusk...You're awake!" she told me not to yell and I just ran over and hugged her tight, I felt tears run down my cheeks as I was so happy to see her alright. We shared a conversation about her condition and ended up hugging at something I said. (See conversation in previous chapter) Her warmth, her silky hair, her warm eyes, her selfless personality, everything about her was perfect, the way her lips looked so soft and kissable...WAIT what did I just think?! She's my best friend but maybe...I want it to be something more.


It's been 3 days since the Shadow Lord incident, Magnolia and FairyTail have gone back to normal, but deep within the guild hall, Dusk sits quietly lost in thought as Mira served customers. The ice mage looks concerned at his dear friend as she's been quiet the past few days and going out on a quick job or 2. Right as Gray was about to apporch Dusk he was cut off by Dramacon rushing over to her, whispering some words in her ear, her expression went from blank to concerned. he sadly nodded and he smiled at her and walked out. Dusk stood up and started walking out, stopping beside Gray and dragging him out with her, "I need to talk to you," was all she said. They went up to their classic spot, the hill over Magnolia with the oak tree and the sitting rock.

"What's up Dusk?" Gray asked.

"I need to go away for a bit..." she replied.

"Like on a job?" he said.

"No, like training, with Dramacon, not for a long time just for a bit, I'll be back in like a few weeks or maybe less..." she said looking off.

"Why? You are super trained."

"It's nothing Gray just some spells Dramacon wants me to learn," she smiled at him.

"Alright, you better come back, or I'll come looking for you," he chuckled and they hugged.

The next day Gray told the guild about Dusk and how she's gone off and then the master announced a new rising threat...Nirvana.


End Of Shadow Lord Arc


Next Time on The Twilight Fairy...Dusk's Story during Nirvana

"Don't scream child...this was bound to happen..."

"W-what is this?! No..."

"This is who you are..."

"They can't know, not now, maybe not for a long time..."

"Very well, princess..."


Sorry this was short it's kinda just a filler next time Dusk's "other side" revealed

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