What if Episode 1
This is a new series where I will go back and change the story to what if this happened, this is not cannon and this will not continue when I continue writing, I just thought of this today, the events in this story might never happen, key word, MIGHT :3
Going back to the Alec vs Dusk fight, Fair Warning, this chapter is very angsty
The battle raged, neither of us backing off, neither of us holding back, magic flew as well as metal. Alec was smiling the whole time, fool. Striken down, he laid in front of me, I stood over him, tears and blood falling on him, he had cut my right thigh badly. My face was clentched, eyes wide on him, teeth grinding down on eachother, he looked up at me, "Go on...kill me...but hear my last wish..." dumbass...I had no choice, it's all I could do, lean down and hear him out, "I'm not going without a prize," his voice was cold and hussed, I saw a flash of red, a knife. Pain...blood...everything falling...my right eye, I heard Gray scream as Alec started disappearing, "ALEC YOU BASTARD!" I fell holding my eye, blood dripped past my fingertips. Alec's body disappeared as I fell to the ground, I saw Gray running toward me and a light, Mom? Is that you...please...hold me...it hurts...take me...mother...I need your warmth...
Everything was black I felt nothing, suddenly everything illuminated, a feild of gold, two children ran by me in a whisk of wind. I recognized myself, my silky black hair short, I must have been 3 and beside me...a boy with blue hair, dark blue unlike my mothers which was almost white. The two innocent ones played and laughed. My mother appeared and looked at me, "This is what we hid from you..." she looked at the children as I looked at her wide eyed, "His name is Jellal...he is your brother..." everything swarmed, memories of me crying begging them not to take him, "He wasn't born with magic...so he had to leave...I was heartbroken for you, he was your only friend..." she looked down as my father appeared beside her. More memories passed of me sneaking into the projection room, seeing Jellal at the Tower of Heaven, my father erasing my memories of him, "I regreted that so much..." he said beside me sadly, "you know him don't you?" I nodded sadly, the memories ended and we were back in the field of gold, I ran into my mothers arms.
"Why...why would you hide this from me?!" I cried as she held me.
"Your father made a rash decision but it was too late, at this momment, Jellal memories of this time are restored, he knows everything...but Dusk...when you return to the over world...um..." she looked down as we released.
"What...wait...all I remember is pain and then Alec was gone..." I looked down.
"He took your eye Dusk..." my father said bluntly. I reached up in shock, it was there in this world, but not the other, the eye I had always hid because I was used to it was gone...I had a reason to cover it now, no...this can't be happening.
The field began to fade, fade into the sky, "Thank you..." I cried as they disappeared and everything went black.
A room faded into my vision, I slowly sat up rubbing my head, which was pouding, things were blurry but I made out Gray talking to Erza, Natsu comforting Lucy and Wendy beside them, "Who hit me with a train..." I groaned as the blurriness faded. They all looked over in shock, I realized I couldn't see to my right, I slowly reached up and looked down, my lip trembled, "I'm a fool..." I said softly, Gray walked over to me as Wendy was crying so relieved.
"You're not a fool...you made a mistake..." Gray sat beside me, I realized where I was, FairyTail infirmary.
"I never should have gave him mercy..." regret flooded my mind, Why couldn't I kill him...why, I've been wanting to but he was so open...and he took it from me, Gray pulled me into a close hug.
"You're still the same Dusk...that won't change, even with just one eye..." he said as I pushed him away. I told them everything in my dream, their faces in shock as I finished.
"I will see Jellal...and that won't stop me..." I looked up determined.
It's been a week, I've gotten used to my eye, Porlyusica offered me to replace it but I refused, I embraced my new life, plus, I always covered that eye anyway. Gray and I were currently being escorted by carriage to the magic council, I've already arranged with the council to see Jellal. The cloak hood hung over my head as I stared out the window, Lahar sat across from us, Gray sat quietly by my side, "Why do you wish to speak with Jellal Dusk?" Lagar tried to step in, I just glanced at him to my left before going back to looking out the window.
"She has already spoken to the chairman and the council why, she does not have to tell you," Gray stepped in.
"Excuse you Mr. Fullbuster, I am the-" he tried to start.
"Bullshit..." I stepped in, "I don't give a shit about your rank I spoke who I need to, people higher up than you, so shut up and stay out of it," I snapped at him, my tone was cold, and harsh, after snapping at him I went to the window. He didn't speak one more word, I saw the council building approach, the chairman and his guards waiting outside for me. The carriage stopped and a guard opened the door, "Lady Dusk..." he said politely and stepped aside as Gray stepped out before me taking my hand and allowing me to step off the carriage.
"Thank you," I strided in front of Gray as I walked toward the council man, "You have no idea how happy it makes me that you are allowing me this chairman..."
"Of course Dusk...you have done much for us...I heard about everything, I'm so sorry..." he said sympathetical.
"I'm learning to live with it..." I kept my head down as we walked inside without another word, he led me down a hall and his guards stopped Gray as we got half way down, I nodded at him before he could protest and it was me and the chairman alone. He opened large doors with many scans and codes, the room was bright and white, a clear box cell sat in the middle, with Jellal with his back to us. I pulled down my hood and the council man opened the door to the box and I stepped in looking at him on the ground, "I would have been here sooner but I had some things to get used to," I smiled a bit at him as his eyes widened and he stood up.
"Dusk..." he walked over to me and we embraced, "I thought I wouldn't see you until I got outta here..."
"I have my connections...I'm sorry Jellal...that I forgot you..." I said sadly.
"No..." he started, he sounded like he was crying, "I'm sorry I had to leave you..."
"That's not your fault..." I was staying calm even though I wanted to cry, I couldn't, I had cried to much these past few days, "Jellal...you need to see something," we released eachother and I pulled back my hair, I knew the 'X' was there over my eye, which wasn't there, his eyes widened.
"Alec..." I let go of my hair as it fell in front again, "That's why I wasn't here sooner..." we took some time to reconnect before I was told I had to leave, "I'll tell Erza you say hello," I smiled as I left, and that was it.
I strolled back through the hall with the chairman, I looked down as we reached Gray and Lahar, "Lahar has been asking so many quest-" Gray started.
"To answer your question Lahar, during my battle with Alec he took my eye," I pulled my hair back briefly, he didn't say anything and escorted us home.
Ok obviously this IS NOT cannon, this is just a side idea I had but I didn't want to make Dusk blind in that eye ye----never. Tehehehe, that's a long time coming though, NOTHING. See you all next time! I'm thinking of some ideass
<3 OcWriter38

The Twilight Fairy - Fairytail OC Story
ФанфикTHIS IS AN OC STORY IF YOU DON'T LIKE OC's AND PEOPLE CHANGING THE STORY A BIT BYEEE. Anyway, join Dusk on her journey to find herself and fight along side her guild Fairytail. Drama, romance, agnst. Dusk's life was never the same just a few days be...