Episode 6
A creature arose from the ground, it was massive, taller then every building in Magnolia. FairyTail imediately charged into fight it, it easily casts some of their weaker members aside. It's voice was cold, it hurt like nails on a chalkboard, kind of snake like as well, "I am the Shadow Lord, kneel before me!"
Running...running was all could do, I had to get to Magnolia
"WAIT! I'm a dummy!" I yelled at Team Natsu. "Power of the shadow, super speed, Teleportia!" all of a sudden we faded and apeared in front of the guild hall. It was maddness...FairyTail members scattered around on the ground, Gray, Natsu, Erza, and Lucy ran in to help the fallen out of the battle zone, and I approched the beast. I fired a ball of shadow at it to get it's attention. It turned it's massive body to face me, I looked at its white glowing eyes, they were full of cold, darkness, and hate. It took me so much courage to accept this was my father, I stood tall in our face off, his eyes became slits and my eyes glared more feircely.
"Father..." I said softly, the downed FairyTail members looked at me shocked, the creature took a step toward me, "I never thought this day would come this soon...but you've been dead a long time..." I looked down the back up at the beast, a new strength forming within me, "Shadow Wings!" I yelled, spiritual black wings sprouted from my back and I flew up to his eye face, hovering in front of him like a small fly in front of a bear.
It begun, he took the first swing, knocking me back into the air spinning, I quickly caught myself and flew back at him throwing a shadow punch in his face. It barely made a scratch but it did make him mad, he threw a blast at me, I quickly dodged and stopped back in front of his face. I sent my hand to the ground and chains caught all around him, wrapping around him like a snake on a mouse. The beast screamed out in anger and couldn't move anymore, I flew down to the ground, making sure everyone was ok. "Gray, status?" I asked
"We've gotten the seriously injured to the infirmeray, everyone else is helping the citizens evacuate the area," Gray replied.
"We're gonna get an ear-ful from the council about this, but it doesn't matter as long as I destory him," I looked back up at my father sighing.
"Dusk...promise me one thing," Gray said grabbing my soulder, "Promise me you'll make it out, promise me you won't die, because I made a promise to you, that I'd never let you fall," his face was serious and concerned.
I looked at him reluctant and looked down sadly, "I can't...promise you anything Gray...Shadow Seal all depends on how much I have in me..."
"No, you do damn promise me Dusk, I KNOW you can beat him, don't give me that bullshit, you WILL make it out of here," he seemed on the verge of tears, "And if you don't...just know, we will stand beside you even in your final moments, I'll always be beside you," I was crying now, he just hugged me tight and then let go, I turned back to my father and rose to the air.
"Father...I'm sorry. Sorry I couldn't save her that day, sorry I didn't do anything because I was scared, it was the worst decision I made. I'm sorry I have to do this, but you have been dead a long time. Ever since that day you have been dead, ever since you got hit with that blast you have been gone, and I've finally excepted that," tears were pouring down my cheeks. "I don't know what's going to happen but I know at least I can defend my friends from you, but I'll just go down with you...but...you can finally rest in peace, you can finally be with her again. Standing here before me is not my father, not the man filled with light in his darkness, if your wife could see you now, she would be just as assamed as I am right now..." so many mixed emotions were happenening in this moment but it had to be done, "The time has come, for you to rest in peace," I recited the words...
"I call forth the forbidden healing spell of the shadows, drag this darkened soul down to the after life, may his soul rest in peace, seal his body away forevermore, SHADOW SEAL!" I cast my hands out, a black orb accumulating in my hands, it blasting at my father, the beast screamed. My body drained so quickly, it screamed at me, pleaded with me but I just kept going till the spell was done, I was strong enough, strong enough to beat him! The black mass started to disapear into the air, disapearing more and more as the blast went on, the last thing it said was, "Thank you child...I may now Rest in Peace and be with my beautiful Estinara once again...I'm so sorry...but so proud..." the blast disapeared. I was breathing heavy. I suddenly felt myself falling, eyes slowly closing, everything went black, I heard, "DUSK!" then warmth, warmth of someones arms, not the cold stone ground. The last thing I heard way, "Gotcha...what did I tell you, I'll always be there to catch you..." then everything faded, the screams from my body, the sound of the outside world, the feeling of warmth and being carried, cheers, and crying.
Coming up: Aftermath
"I refuse to leave her..."
"The council wants her as soon as she wakes up..."
"They're crazy!"
"Don't worry, you'll be alright...."
I hope you all enjoyed, this came out sooner then I thought, maybe I'll post double today to make up for my disapearence! <3 OCwriter38

The Twilight Fairy - Fairytail OC Story
FanfictionTHIS IS AN OC STORY IF YOU DON'T LIKE OC's AND PEOPLE CHANGING THE STORY A BIT BYEEE. Anyway, join Dusk on her journey to find herself and fight along side her guild Fairytail. Drama, romance, agnst. Dusk's life was never the same just a few days be...