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Finally, on the morning of the second day the mystery four truly relaxed. Jazz had never been worried though. Not that that mattered. Nor did it really matter whether or not they were relaxed. But they did end up relaxed. They woke up a little tense, stretching and going straight to the window. Upon seeing nothing, they actually tensed up more. Their luck was never this good. Still another hour went by and no one attacked. The other students - including Jazz - still slept soundly on their bed-chairs. So they sat back in their seats and relaxed. They conversed about the ghost zone and how it had progressed since Danny became King. What new laws were put down and new ghosts that had appeared. When everyone woke up, they too noticed this change in them. It was certainly a good one. Once everyone else had had their chance to the bathroom and get ready, Paulina especially, they set off towards Phantom's Keep. As they neared it, Danny somehow managed to relax even more. The sight of what he considered to be a second home to him was just amazing. If anything he found himself more at home in his castle than at Fenton Works where he lived. Even his parents noticed how his demeanour changed as the Keep came into sight. He kept up his act of being weak but he most certainly was standing with less of a defensive position.

I'm going to give away a different clue to the class every place they go, so Phantom's Keep, comin' up!

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