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"Pandora! Pandora! Pandora, I - huuuuuhhhh! - can't breathe!"

"Ah, sorry my ally." She let go.


"Hello students. As Danny's friends you are to be treated well! Friends of the prince are friends of the royals!" Pandora grinned and made a gesture to the soldiers. They bowed and left. Someone stayed behind though. A young servant. They had a cushion in their arms and upon it rested a small, Jewel-studded crown.

"Lord Daniel." They bowed their head respectfully and lay one knee on the ground.

"Thank you, Sarith." Pandora lifted the crown and placed it gently on Danny's bowed head. "Welcome home Daniel. You and your friends must go and settle in. Your room has been refurbished so your old stuff is in boxes in the hall. After dinner, you may have to put it all away, I'm afraid Daniel."

"Got it. Let's go eat then."

Maddie and Jack glanced at each other. Prince? Home? Old stuff? They gave each other a nod. They had a plan.

"Daniel! Dinner's ready, call your friends!" They heard Pandora shout. Now was their chance. They'd all think they'd gone to the bathroom or something. (No kidding, the first time I wrote that it auto corrected to say 'gone to Florida')

They walked through the halls and eventually stopped one of the servants. "Pardon me, but where is Danny's room?"

"My Lord's room is down that hall, Miss."

"Thank you." Maddie gave the girl a sweet smile that was wiped quickly off her face when the girl left. "Ugh. Ghosts."

They turned the corner and could immediately see the pile of boxes. The gave each other a serious look. Each grabbed a box and opened it.

Ghost Ray, crown, Royal attire, snow globe, Fenton Thermos, book, pills, candle... Wait a minute. A bottle of freaking pills?! What are these for?!

"Jack! Look!"

"Yes Mads?"

"Look at these!"

"Why would he have these... 'Power Pills'. They're ghost medicine for when you've run dangerously out of energy... But they don't work on humans. And Danny's not a ghost."

"I know, Jack! And look. Ghost guns and stuff. And look, isn't that the same Ghost Ray that Phantom stole last month?"

"You're right Maddie. In fact, all these weapons look like the ones Phantom stole!"

Maddie sat and thought. His son's eyes weren't green or anything so it wasn't possession. There was the accident with the ghost portal... What if it had changed his genes... And... Oh gods. What if Danny is part ghost?! Or even Phantom! It would make so much sense; how he knew the laws and gained energy from that ghost. The ability to appear exactly at the right time! The scars and the tattoo! She voiced these thoughts to Jack and they agreed to keep an eye on Danny.

Danny Phantom Fanfiction - A Different Kind Of TripWhere stories live. Discover now