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Longer Chapter, whoop!

"Fine then! It's a deal! But don't feel sorry when you realise what you've done wrong." Danny growled.

The students, shocked beyond relief, stared as Danny was yanked from his cage and forced to follow the ghost. Sam leant over to Jazz in a final attempt to fix things before Danny got back. "Please tell me you can erase their memories?"

"I can, but... Only this once. I don't like doing this to them... This situation calls for though." Jazz forced out. Reaching into the minds of those around her - except for those with a right to know - she pushed drowsiness into their minds. Having let them rest their minds, she begun her work. Weaving through memory after memory, plucking at the strings and re-attaching them to her desires. She made them forget. They knew Danny was being tortured, but as far as they were concerned they were next in line. They were completely unaware of his identity. Before she too passed out, she sent a message to Danny to let him know what she'd done.

Meanwhile, with Danny...

(A quick warning in case your screamish or whatever... Torture is ahead!)

When the my arrived at the torture studio - a place Danny had seen all too many times - he was thrown like a ragdoll into the table. Refusing to back down, he allowed himself the pleasure of being said rag-doll. His face was emotionless, body unmoving. Walker stalked towards him. "Let's begin."


"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh" An ear piercing screech penetrated the silence. It was a terrible sound, and the first time any ghost had ever heard one like it. Throughout the whole prison, ghosts froze in shock. They knew who was in that room. Yet they had never, ever expected such a sound out of the boy. It was the first time he had ever screamed like that. What on earth was Walker doing to him that could provoke such a reaction from their strong, fearless and caring King?


Walker dragged the blood blossom coated knife across Danny's skin with a grin. But Danny barely winced. He was used to it and needed to stay strong and wait for Walker to get bored. After carving up every inch of Danny's already healing chest he did, indeed, get bored. He pulled out clippers and moved to Danny's nails, pulling them slowly off one by one. When a gasp finally emitted from the boy he smirked slightly. Then he pulled out his trump card. He started to pace around Danny. "Do you know what happens to a ghost if he is attack the same way he died, Halfa?" Walker asked.

"... Yes."

Walker's smirk grew. He grabbed a remote from the wall. He pressed the giant red button and turned the dial to one. Danny gasped for air and gritted his teeth. Frowning, Walker turned to dial to the top - ten. This time? Well, Danny really screamed. Until he could no longer. Until his throat hurt. Until his voice cracked. Until he lost his voice altogether.

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