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VERY IMPORTANT; PLEASE READ: so I'm afraid that updates are going to really slow. As in, about one a month slow. I have a job now even though I'm fifteen and I do lots of other extracurriculars such as Judo. I write for your enjoyment because making others happy is how I make myself happy; I'm very sorry. Thank you so much for reading this.

Phantom walked throughout the castle showing them each part. The forbidden areas were the room holding the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, The Royal Bedroom, The treasury. They went in to see the Sarcophagus and saw the Treasury full of sparkling Jewels. At the end of the tour they stopped in front of the Royal Bedroom. "We shall not enter my room, but there is someone we want you to meet." Phantom smiled at Plant Princess.

She walked into the bedroom, the A-listers straining to see inside as she opened and closed the door. Moments later she came out with a young boy walking beside her, holding her hand. "This is our son. Ghosts make children with our minds and by combining pieces of our core. This is what we created."
The young boy was also a halfa, not that the class knew that. At the moment he was floating as a ghost. He had Phantom's white hair and Plant Princess's glowing yellow eyes. He wore a black hoodie and jeans with moving green swirls, like the Zone's sky. That's because he is royalty. He appeared to be about five. Oddly enough this young child didn't have ice or plant powers. In fact, he was the most powerful ghost ever other than his father. Phantom, as King of the zone, has access to all the usual powers and his ice ones. He can also control the zone. Phantom however has endless power reserves. This young boy would too have that over time and he had power over the mind and, amazingly, reality. He wasn't yet old enough to use those powers but if he ever abused them... Well it'd be unspeakably bad!

The young boy had visited the human world before in his human form and the class had met him before. Sam pretended that the boy was her younger cousin and took to the park very often. The boy grew too quickly and was way to intelligent for a normal child but Amity park tended to be awfully oblivious to these things anyway. When they had seen him as a human he had black hair and turquoise eyes. As a human, he wears blue jeans and a black t-shirt with a white ghost and a speech bubble saying 'boo'. His speech and intelligence was as good as any adult and he got along with everyone.

Some students did link the boy with the  one Sam brought to the Playgrounds so often but they ignored the thought since it was incredibly stupid. Suddenly they heard a beeping in their pockets. They waved at Phantom and ran off.

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