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Danny glanced at the guards expectantly. They rushed to grab Walker, fear present in their eyes. Bowing to Danny, they scattered, taking Walker to Phantom's Keep and trying to avoid Danny. Sitting on the floor again, Danny began to meditate. He sat cross-legged, hands dangling lightly by his sides as his closed eyes remained still. The students watched him curiously. They didn't notice His wounds closing up die to their brooding. Maddie, however, wished to treat them right away, oblivious to the fact they were already scars. She stormed over to him and yanked off his t-shirt. Thousands, no... Millions; not even that! Billions of scars littered his chest and back alone. Those made Jack and Maddie angry, but not at Danny necessarily. What really made them angry - Jack less so - was the huge tattoo that spread across his back. The whole class had a split second to marvel at it before the tore t-shirt out of his parents hands.

Maddie wanted to shout at him, but first... "Danny?! Your wounds?! Wh- where did they go?!?!?"

"Hmm? Oh, he must've, uh, healed them or something?"

Maddie knew he was lying but decided to instead store it for later. "How come you have so many scars?! And you are too young for a tattoo young man!!! Was it even a clean needle?! Danny!!" She screamed appalled.

"That ghost must've done it!"

She narrowed her eyes. "And the scars?!"

"Those are the healed wounds! Oh, and that one was the Christmas turkey! And that one... I'm not entirely sure. I think that was the booooo-merang." He was clearly telling the truth... But she noticed how he skipped over some of them and gave nervous glances.

"And why did you know all those laws and things?!"

"I have been here before?" His voice had uncertainty in it, as if unsure whether he should answer.


"I've been to the ghost zone before." Danny sat straighter, his face setting in determination as if he was resigning to his fate.

"We never permitted that! It could've been dangerous! Especially with all these pesky ghosts!"

"The first time was an accident mum. Let's just go already."

Danny Phantom Fanfiction - A Different Kind Of TripWhere stories live. Discover now