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"Hey guys, enjoying the cookies?"

A chorus of "yeahs" sounded out, a few contented groans and sighs mixed in. Danny smiled lightly. Clockwork was a good baker, they should try his rainbow cake cause that is good stuff.

Clockwork moved to stand next to him. Clockwork was like a father to him after all this time so he decided to make the most out of his one here. "Hey Clocky, want to watch Yuri!!! On Ice?" Danny's smile widened a little. Only he could call him Clocky and it was one of the small things that reminded him of how strong their bond was.

"Promise not to go on about 'Victuuri, the ship of dreams?'"

"Sure. But you know they're perfect together."

"I suppose I can't help but agree."

"Hey, you know the future... I really can't wait for the movie do you know it's release date?" Danny unleashed the puppy eyes upon Clockwork. They didn't even faze him.

"I can't go around telling you the future. You'll find out, won't you?" This caused Danny to pout.

The two went to a separate room with a large tv and watched the full season through. At some point Sam joined them and sang along to the theme tune with Danny. When the last episode ended the three were crying, despite how quickly Clockwork wiped away his tears. Victor and Yuri dancing and the end of an amazing series could do that to anyone though. They began to board the class onto the SSB.

The whole ride, Danny was singing History Maker. Not only that but he was enacting many of the scenes with a sad glint in his eyes. He missed the show so much despite having been watching it just ten minutes ago. Then again, Sam didn't seem to be fairing much better and Tucker was singing along with Danny now he knew what the song was. Finally, they were going home. His parents had promised not to have a repeat of the incident either. Teenagers in the ghost zone? Not a good idea. Unless you're Danny Phantom and his crew but who's counting them? They are beyond teenager.

Bit of a filler but I need to complete the word before I can finish the story,

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