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You guys will probably notice over time, but updates are gonna take longer for a while. I injured my finger at Judo on Thursday and I am struggling to type. I promise updates will speed up when it gets better, but... for now waits might be longer. Hopefully it isn't hospital work cause that'll take longer to heal. Then again, my finger is literally black and blue right now and I have no idea how I did it. Ah well, I digress. On with the story!

"Let the tournament, begin!" Pandora announced, rising from her seat for a moment before sitting down. The crowd sat once she had. Lined up in front of her was all the contestants. Flash and Kwan had decided to take part, thinking that they'd win. As if. They've probably never ever picked up a medieval weapon, never mind trained with it!

Danny, Valerie, Tucker and Sam too stood among the ghosts. They were considered royalty so it was a requirement for them to be there. Jazz hadn't yet been crowned, the lucky girl. She didn't know how to fight with those weapons yet. Danny and Sam both used swords. Valerie liked the bow and arrow, with a knife for close combat. Tucker used a spear and throwing knives. The four of them were always winners. In their first fight at the least.

The rules were that if you yield or get knocked out then you lose. The losers left the contest and would sometimes contend for lower places. This time round they weren't doing that. It was a fight to be first; no second or third. Just a first place. And they all wanted to come out on top.

First up, Dash vs. Unnamed ghost!
They stood in their separate 'corners', ready to charge at one another. Dash had chosen a mace and the ghost had a spear. Pandora gave a nod. They charged. Dash swung the mace wildly. The ghost had a look of concentration. Then it was all over. Dash had tripped and fallen on his opponent. Oddly enough, it wasn't Dash that lost because of that. The other guy cushioned his fall as well as being knocked out by a rock on the floor.

"And the winner is... Dash!" The crowed clapped and cheered, Paulina putting in a special effort. Danny smirked. Easy. Sam snorted. Hilarious. Tucker rolled his eyes. Why did Dash even try? Valerie tilted her head lightly. What an interesting way to 'win'.

"What an... interesting fight!" Pandora began. "But now, it is time for our crowned Prince's first fight! He will be up against..."

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