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Sorry guys this had to be done, I am an absolute Greek Mythology OBSESSED person. Roman too but mostly Greek.

From within the darkly coloured castle a towering man with pale skin and sunken eyes emerged. He wore a cloak with what appeared to be faces fading in and out of view on the fabric. His hair was choppy and shoulder length, framing his face somewhat menacingly. You could just about make out the signs of huge muscles and it was clear that he had broad shoulders to go with. Upon his head rested a shiny golden crown with glimmering black jewels on the outside. Around his feet were human skeletons with a ghostly green glow. They all had black helmets and swords. Danny floated down to greet them.

Bowing, Danny greeted the huge new ghost. "Welcome to the ghost zone. What is your title?" He asked politely and respectfully, still bowing to the man.

"I am Hades. Pray, tell me our whereabouts?"

"This is the ghost zone, a place for the spirits of the dead"

"Wait, the 'ghost zone' what happened to the Underworld?"

"I believe this is the underworld, your majesty. I am the new ruler of this place, though I consider you to be an honoured guest."

"I see. May I be permitted to use my powers?"

"What are your powers, Lord Hades?"

"I can control shadows and summon ghosts to my aid. Of course, they are forced to obey but they see it as their own choice. I also have power over riches."

"I permit you to use your powers, so long as any ghosts you summon are given a true choice."

"Thank you, your majesty. May I ask your name fellow King?"

"I am Danny Phantom. Please explore the zone and talk to other ghosts, I must be leaving."

"Thank you, kind sir."

Danny flew away. Then, he felt a light pinching sensation.

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