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[Danny zipping up his hazmat suit, the colours in reverse with San peering into the dark portal behind him]
Danny getting his ghost powers.

[Danny looking at a mirror in shock with Green eyes and White hair. He is holding a albino lock down to his face]
Danny has a ghost form.

[Danny with electricity dancing around his waist, his hair still white and eyes still green but the bottom half of his suit has become jeans]
He can turn back and forth.

[Danny as a human with his legs stuck in the floor]
He is struggling to control his new powers. He really needs some practice.

[Danny falling through the fridge with a look of alarm]
A lot of practice.

[Danny holding a Fenton thermos in his hand, releasing Lunch Lady into the ghost zone.]
We helped Danny catch his first ghost!

[a small collection of photos, each a different one with the trio catching ghosts]
Ghost fighting has become daily now!

[Skulker staring menacingly at Danny, a zoo scene behind them]
Seriously Skulker, you wanting my pelt is still disgusting.

Many photos and subtitle later...

[Pariah Dark stands over Danny, who is wearing a robotic suit, with a malicious grin]
Our toughest opponent yet.

Many later...

[A clearly evil looking version of Danny is being sucked into a thermos]
Danny's evil alternative. Let's hope he never comes back.

Many later...

[Ghosts are gathered around, prepared to turn the world intangible.]
Way to go Danny; let's save the world!

[Sam is controlling a plant] [Plant Princess is in the same position]
Sam has powers now too.

[Danny and Sam are being crowned King and Queen of the zone]
Wow. Who knew the fight with Pariah would do this?!

[Sam holding a baby in her arms with Danny standing beside her]
Our son. It was a ghostly birth so it was different than a human one.

[Sam, Danny, Tucker, Jazz and Valerie standing side by side.]
Our ghost fighting team! Whoop!

[The mystery trio packing bags]
Trip to the ghost zone, better pack careful!

Maddie turned onto a blank page. She closed the binder. So this is what happened... Oh her poor boy! Jack, besides her, was silent. Slowly, he put the binder aside and opened his arms to Maddie for a hug. They comforted each other for the rest of the night, falling asleep in each other's arms... but what now?

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