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"What do you want to know, Mrs. Fenton?"

"Danny is Phantom, isn't he?"

"... Yes. I take it you looked through the boxes then?"

"We did."

Sam sighed. Swinging her legs around and standing up, she walked away from the bed where she had previously been perched towards a large black chest. When he opened it, it appeared that there were simply loads of black t-shirts, white jeans and black lipstick tubes. There were also a few spare pairs of combat boots down one side. Reaching down the opposite side of the trunk, she lifted some clothes and pulled out a black binder. "Everything we've ever done has been documented in this book. It's like our own family record. You'd find out all this eventually... So, on the grounds that Danny isn't told that you know until we deem fit, you may read it."

Maddie smiled softy, kindly... And sadly. Her eyes held understanding she seemed to agree. She held out her hand and had the binder placed lightly into her waiting hands. "Thanks, Sam. Thank you very much." Her quiet whispers held the weight of the world, sincere to very last syllable.

Standing slowly and putting her arm around Jack, she walked out the room. Finding a ghostly servant a little ways to the left, she enquired as to where their room was, and set a gentle pace down the corridor.


Maddie and Jack sat shoulder to shoulder on the bed, holding the binder in their laps. Maddie fingered the cover's edge hesitantly. Were they really ready for this? Could they really face the truth like this...?

... Yes. They had to. The truth doesn't just go away because you ignore it. It doesn't hide and wait for you to remember it. It stands like a Great Wall in front of you, with only so many handholds, so many routes to take.

She puts her fingers round the edge, and pulls the cover to the side.

Just a quick notice: I am changing the chapter names, so don't be alarmed or confused or anything when you see that they're different.

Danny Phantom Fanfiction - A Different Kind Of TripWhere stories live. Discover now