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{Your POV aka: Song Juhee}

SHhhhooooottttttt! It is already 8:00am. After thinking back about my days in 2012, I made myself stay up for another few hours. Ughh I need to sleep now. The other guys are coming back from Japan at 10:30am so I need to rest well so that I can stay up to hear all their stories about Japan. They are always dying to tell me what they did and what they ate.

I don't know if they are trying to rub it into my face that I didn't go to Japan.

As I snuggled back into the silk blankets and turned to my left side, I saw the empty spot where my roommate Jimin sleeps. Jimin and I have been roommates since we first moved into the apartments. Now, I really felt like they were my brothers since I have been living with them for four years now. I didn't really have problems with finding myself developing feelings for them because I would keep telling myself that they don't see me as a girl and will always view me as their younger brother. Plus, there were always pretty girls swarming around them everyday at concerts and at school since we were little.

They will never like me... I know that... And I will never develop feelings for them... will I?

As I kept questioning myself and trying to convince myself that I would never like any of them, I felt my eyelids drop and become heavier by the second until I was knocked out.

Finally, at 8:30am, I'm falling asleep. The faster I fall asleep, the shorter I will have to wait to see my hyungs (you are used to saying hyung because you have called them that growing up since you are a "boy").


{Jimin's POV}

"Jimin, time isn't going to go by any faster if you keep checking the time." Yoongi called out to me from the aisle to my left.

He's right. I don't know why I keep looking at the time. It's just that we have been on this flight for what seems like an eternity! I already watched all the movies that I wanted to watch on the Delta movie list and was now sitting in my chair with Jungkook to my right sleeping like a baby and Taehyung to my left rapping to... Oh God, it's cypher 4 now. I think for one duration of my movie that I watched, Taehyung was trying to practice rapping to all the cyphers.

When I get back home, I really need to tell Namjoon hyung to let V have at least one rap line in the next cypher. And if they do have him rap for cypher 5, they better name it "Cypher V."

With that thought I silently did a face palms since I felt like Jin saying his dad jokes for a second.

Jin was watching a movie next to Yoongi. Their taste in movies, music, and food are so similar, it's a good thing that they are roommates. Speaking of roommates, I wonder how Juhee is doing.

Ever since we first met each other Juhee has been quite an odd boy. At first I thought he was mute, but then he spoke more once he warmed up to me and the other members. However, I don't know what it is but I feel different when I am with him... but, I don't know what it is. He is just a lot more fragile than the typical guy and has extremely pretty features.

I mean, I know that Jin is in charge of visuals, but for the eyes, Juhee definitely beats him. Sometimes when I look at Juhee, he has that power of causing you to be caught in his gaze that---

What are you thinking Jimin, snap out of it! He's a guy.

Right, the feelings I am feeling toward Juhee is because he is one of my best friends. Also, I couldn't have asked for a better roommate. Awh man, now I am really missing Juhee.

Hurry up plane! I wanna see my roommate~


{Your POV}

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