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{Juhee POV}


My head was pounding as I slowly lifted myself off the bed and tried to lessen the pain by putting my hand on my head and massaging it.

Why do I feel so weak?.... Shoot, what time is it?

I reached over the side of the bed where my night stand was placed to grab my phone and check the time when all I felt was dead space. My eyes were staring blankly at the bed sheets as I was reaching over, so the feeling of just air and no night stand caught my eye's attention as they slowly turned to where my hand was.

Where is my nightstand?!

Since my mind was a bit groggy, it took me a while longer to realize that...

I'm not in my hou--


I quickly turned my head toward the direction where the familiar honey-like voice was coming from.


It was Jimin. He was leaning sideways against the frame of the door's entrance and had his arms folded. His hair was a bit disheveled as if he too had just woken up from his sleep. He was wearing a button up white, oxford shirt, the one from yesterday in fact. The sleeves were rolled midway up his arms, revealing his defined veins on his forearm as they were crossed across his chest.

More than the fact that he looks 100x more attractive than 4 years ago, there was one worry that flashed in my mind by seeing how his total appearance looked as if he had had a wild night.

Did we-- no way we did.

Without realizing, I quickly started to pat down my body from my chest down to my legs to feel if my clothes were still on me. I felt my chiffon blouse still on me, thank god, but then as I went down to my legs, I felt nothing but my panty and bare skin.

Shoot this can't be happening!

"I have to say, I have messed around with a lot of girls but you were exceptional last night." Jimin said with a smirk and seductive glint in his eyes.

"You're kidding! How did I even end up here?" I said with my arms across my chest as if I was trying to protect myself from a thirsty beast.

"You were drunk last night and so I was in charge of taking you back to your apartment, but then on our way to your place, things got a little heated between you and me in the car. Which then led to, well, you know." With his 'you know' he hinted with his eyes by looking at me and then looking down at his pants.

"How could you do that? I-I-I haven't even kissed a guy yet." And with the thought of having lost my virginity, I couldn't help but start to cry in front of him. I felt warm streams run down my cheeks as I sniffled silently and constantly brought my hands up to wipe them away.

Jimin's face expressions made a 180 degree change from looking seductive to genuinely being worried for me as he quickly unfolded his arms and said, "Belle, don't cry. It was a joke, I j-just wanted to startle you for a bit there. I didn't think you would actually cry."

I could feel the space beside me on the bed dip down as I wiped the tears away from my eyes to find Jimin sitting down right next to me.

"Don't worry, I slept on the couch last night." He cooed softly as he gently wiped away my tears with his soft thumb.

Hearing that I had not lost my virginity brought sunshine back into my thoughts.

Because of my happiness and thankfulness toward him for not taking advantage of me, I managed to suppress my sniffling and whispered, "Thank you, Jimin."

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