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{Author's Note}

Maaannnnnn, I don't know what it is but I am feeling pumped up for this story that I decided to upload three chapters in one week! Here is the 3rd chapter~ ENJOY!!




The both of them pointed at each other with their mouths wide open. For Juhee, she was shocked that she ran into Taehyung in this kind of situation, in fact, she was just shocked that she saw Taehyung again since she had no idea what he or the other BTS members were up to (except for Jimin). 

For Taehyung, he was shocked that about Juhee's transformation. Even though Juhee had long almond brown hair down to her mid-back, wore makeup, and dressed as a girl, Taehyung didn't have to think twice about her identity when he saw her. He knew that she was Juhee but didn't give any sign that he knew just in case she had other reasons for going by a new name, Belle.

In Taehyung's eyes, Juhee was just as pretty and even prettier than what he remembered of her from 4 years ago. 

"You two know each other?!" Genoive looked at the two of them in shock and also excitement since those two would be modeling partners. 

Juhee tried to tone down her shook-ness by replying with a calm, "well, I have just seen him on advertisements here and there and so I am shocked to see him here." 

Taehyung snickered mentally at Juhee's lie but let it be and played along, "Same, I have seen her in some advertisements and magazines so it's cool to see that she is my partner." 

Genoive just nodded and quickly shooed the two to the photoshoot set since Juhee had just gotten dressed and Taehyung came in dressed. 

Before the photoshoot, to calm Juhee's nerves, she went to get a drink of water. She knew that Taehyung recognized her, which made her more anxious and gave her butterflies in her stomach since she knew that Taehyung liked her 4 years ago and knew about her real identity. 

"But does he still like me? No way, that was 4 years ago. He probably has a girlfriend since he is so good looking." Thought Juhee.

Taehyung headed straight to the photoshoot set to see a familiar back view of someone quite petite, fidgeting around with some camera lenses on the table by trying to find the right lense for the camera he was holding. 

"Jimin!" The low, whale-like voice called out. Jimin felt as if the floor underneath him was vibrating when he turned around, knowing exactly who was calling his name.

"Taehyung-ah! I didn't know you were going to model for our magazine? Jerk, I would've skipped work today." Jimin said while punching Taehyung's side playfully.

Taehyung made a childish face and stuck his tongue out while replying, "I haven't missed you at all either." 

The both of them laughed at their childish behavior as they gave each other a bro hug since they hadn't seen each other for several months. The last time they had seen each other was for Yoongi's birthday dinner, where they gathered at the sauna and literally just went there to sleep.

"Hey, well that's awesome! We'll probably get more sales since your fans will want to buy it." Jimin said while wiping his camera lens.

Taehyung chuckled and was about to ask him how it was working with Juhee when Juhee suddenly walked in on the two talking after drinking her cup of water. 

When Juhee saw that it was just those three, she felt anxious and wondered if Taehyung had told Jimin about her identity or if he had told anyone else. But before she had time to let her anxiety take over and make her stressed, Jimin spoke out in an energetic voice, 

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