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"Belle, the photos with you and Taehyung turned out fabuloso~ Keep up the good work! Everyone, keep up the good work! We have a week left, we can do it!" Genoive said as he waved his hands cheerfully from the second floor where his office is. 

"We will!" Everyone chimed in as they filled the air with encouragement for each other. After the encouraging message Genoive shouted from the second floor balcony, each person got back to work and were slowly but surely piecing together the meaty details of the magazine. 

Everyone was focused and busily writing and making phone calls to other fashion organizations and designers except for two of them. 


"Earth to Belle, can you hear me?"

Hana cautiously poked at Juhee's arm as if she was checking to see if Juhee was alive, scared about what the results would be. 

"Hmm, sorry what? Were you talking to me?" Hana's poke cause Juhee to break away from her mental trance and notice that she was being called. 

"Your phone keeps going off. I think that someone is trying to contact you." Hana was still eyeing her to see if she was in her right mind.

Juhee looked down to the side of her laptop and saw that she had gotten 5 text messages from someone. But at this time, she had no earthly idea who would be trying to get ahold of her.

"Oh you're right. Thanks Hana." Hana gave a quick worried smile and placed her hand on Juhee's arm before turning back around to her desk. Although Hana seemed ditzy and a little air-headed at times, she was not stupid when it came to emotions. She could sense that something had recently bothered Juhee but decided not to question her since Juhee didn't seem like the type to want to talk about her problems with others. 

Before unlocking her phone, Juhee slouched in her chair and run her hand through her hair once out of stress. It was if she was trying to brush all the stress and anxieties out of her head. 

"Jimin." She thought. 

Ever since that night that Jimin had confessed that he knew her identity and how he felt toward her, the atmosphere was filled with pure awkwardness whenever the two of them were in close proximity with each other. 

Truth of the matter is, Juhee didn't know what to feel anymore. 4 years ago, she constantly suppressed her feelings for Jimin down because she thought that he would never like her. Because she kept stuffing those feelings in a bag, she never thought about Jimin in a romantic way after that. 

However, with his shocking and physical confession, Juhee's mind was in chaos. She didn't know if she was still shocked or if the bag of feelings for Jimin was slowly opening up again. 

Why can't I pinpoint which one it is?  Why do you have to make me so confused Park Jimin... I don't even know if I'm getting stressed out because I am starting to like yo--

Juhee's thoughts were cut off at the sound of her phone emitting a single vibration, signaling that she had gotten a text message. 

Oh shoot, I forgot, someone is trying to get ahold of me. 

She unlocked her phone to see that the person who was trying to get ahold of her had now sent 6 text messages. 


(1)   Juhee 

(2)   Hey

(3)    I heard from Jimin about what happened a few days ago

(4)    Let's have lunch together if you're free today

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