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*4 Years Later*

Juhee walked outside of the airport gates with a large inhale, "Wow, it has been way too long since I have stepped foot into Korean soil!" Juhee closed her eyes behind her sunglasses and tilted her head backwards as she inhaled and exhaled the sweet smell of her home land. 

Jess, her manager now, came waddling right behind her with a folder of documents for her housing information and work contracts. 

"Belle, over here! Look over here!" A young paparazzi man called out from the crowd. Camera flashes were flashing here and there in front of her, causing her to snap out of her sweet moment. 

"How does it feel like to be back home?" Called out a woman with a mic and camera. Although Juhee was now well-known, she was not famous to the point of being noticed anywhere she went, but she was still noticed by a good majority of people. 

Juhee looked toward the ground and put her hands over her sunglasses as she tried to avoid talking to the paparazzis and camera men. Jess quickly made his way beside her and helped to be a human life shield for her while he answered their questions politely. 

Finally, Jess and Juhee made it to the black van and were driving out of the airport to Juhee's new apartment where she would be staying here in Korea. 

"Korea...."  Thought Juhee. The only thoughts that popped up into her mind about Korea were memories that were filled with laughter and friendships with her BTS brothers. She missed them dearly but knew that she couldn't blow her cover. If she did, her modeling career would be over and it would simply be a major scandal that Jess would have to deal with. Plus.. She felt as if non of the members were and would ever be interested in her.

"We're here!" Called out Jess from the driver's seat. Him and Juhee made their way up a glass-walled elevator up to the third floor of a slender, tall, silver building. As they were in the glass-walled elevator, they could see the breath-taking view of the landscape around them. 

Once they reached the third floor, they made their way to a petit, round white door where behind those doors revealed a magnificent, one bedroom apartment with a kitchen, living room, and bathroom. It was a dream apartment that people would only see in an advertisement in a magazine. 

Juhee gasped as she took in the beautiful and captivating sight of the whole unit. She scanned from left to right with her mouth in an "O" shape. 

"JESS! How-- how did you even.. Thank you so much!" Juhee was hugging Jess now and jumping up and down as if she had won the lottery (which she basically did). 

Jess simply chucked as he scratched the back of his nape, "No problem kiddo, I owe it to you. You have worked so diligently and have been a major success to my business that I believed that it was about time for me to repay you." Juhee was so thankful that she could have almost cried at that very moment. 

Jess could sense the tears about to form and quickly changed the subject, "Alright, well that's enough of having googly eyes about this whole apartment. Don't forget why we moved back to Korea okay?" He gave Juhee a wink. 

"I know I know, I am here to actually join a magazine editing business." Juhee said while still looking around the apartment in amazement. 

"Bingo! And I don't have the list of who your co-workers will be, but I hope that you all get along! I heard that the CEO of this magazine company, Le Bleu, chose elite and skilled people to work for this magazine line. It is a well known magazine line internationally and is truly an honor that he wanted you to come work for him." Jess said as he rested his hand on Juhee's shoulder. 

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