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"We're back!" yelled Yoongi as we stepped back into our apartment. Surprisingly, we walked to the market, bought the black hair dye, and walked back to the dorms all in 15 minutes! Then again, Yoongi was pushing me to walk faster because he was so excited to dye his hair black. 

We made our way to the bathroom and laid out huge garbage bags on the floor so that the hair dye wouldn't stain their floor and sink (because hair dye is a nasty devil when it comes to removing it).

I slipped on the latex gloves and mixed the hair dyeing solution and was about to start lathering it into his mint colored hair when he suddenly grabbed both of my wrists.

"Remember, this hyung is going for a sexy look. Don't ruin my hair."

"Okay, okay hyung, I got you. I will make it so that all the girls fall for you."

With that, I started to add the black paste layer by layer on to his hair. While I was in the process of covering the rest of his hair with the hair dye, he spoke up

"Jaehee, is it strange that I don't like girls?"

"Hyung, what are you saying? You and Namjoon are always watching porn together."

"No, but that's not what turns me on. I don't know... I just feel like I haven't found anyone that is my style." He shrugged as he let out a sigh.

He then started to talk again but with a more cold tone, "Watch it, you got it on my forehead. Do it properly."

"Oops, sorry hyung!" I quickly got a paper towel to wipe his forehead but then accidentally wiped it so that it made a streak from his right eyebrow connecting to his left eyebrow. Making it look like a.....

"UNIBROW?!" Yoongi shouted in disgust as he looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. 

"Oh my word I am so sorry hyung!" I kept bowing at a 90 degree angle to him to show how sorry I was. 

"Idiot, don't keep bowing, wipe it off before it stains me!" He barked.

"Ah, right!" 

I quickly dampened a cloth of water and vigorously wiped in the spot in between his eyebrows. But while I was bending down to wipe the dyed unibrow section, I noticed that I was at eye level with Yoongi. 

Ahhhh, he is so charming when his eyes look annoyed. 

"Quit it. Your stare is kinda creepying me out." He said while looking the other way. His cheeks turned an ever-so-faint shade of pink. 

"Finished!" I said as I put down the cloth and let him look at himself through the mirror. 

"Good, now how long do I wait till until the hair dye is in my hair?"

I looked at the time on my phone then replied back, "20 minutes more. You can rinse your hair with water and use the conditioning pack that is in the hair dye box when you're done."

Yoongi simply nodded as he folded his arms and closed his eyes. 

He is going to sleep. Again. 

I threw away my hair dyed gloves as I started to walk out into the living room. In the living room, I saw Hoseok and Taehyung sleeping while hugging each other on the floor. 

Poor boys, they need to sleep and rest before we go to Bali tomorrow for another business trip.

I guess you could call me their manager in some way because I was always the one who reminded them about upcoming schedules and went around being their human alarm in the mornings. 

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