Author's Note

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I LIVE!!!!!!

I am so sorry to my readers who are patiently waiting for me to update the story. I am currently on my last week of vacation here in Korea. Plus, since I am taking a summer class, my finals are this monday, which means that I will still be busy until then :( I am so sorry that I haven't been able to update for a MONTH!

My fingers have been anxiously waiting for the time that I can resume my story but with my classes right now, I am too busy :( but once I fly back home on Wednesday, I will have a 13 hour plane ride to type like crrazzzyyy and update this story with around 3 chapters!

BTW, today, I just went to go see Bighit Entertainment's building and it warmed my hearteu to see all the messages that Armys wrote on the wall and window. 

I LOVE ARMY AND I LOVE OUR BOYS! I am so excited for their comeback this year! (I don't know if my wallet is ready though).

I heard a rumor that Yoongi's hair will be dyed black and pink but I am not sure. 


Anyway, thank you to those who have even read this far in my story!! It means a lot and I love talking to you all so feel free to comment like CRAZY on my stories or DM me :)

I don't know who is in school or who is on vacation, but I hope that you are all healthy and are doing well! Eat your greens.... (I need to too, don't worry) and sleep early.... (I will try to sleep earlier than 3:00am today).

Have a good day everyone~

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