22 [Final]

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Thank you to all those who have read through this entire story! It means a lot to me and also I am sorry for the mistakes I made grammatically and in the plot. Since this is the first fanfic I have written, I learned a lot from my mistakes and will work harder to write better fanfics!

Enjoy the last chapter :) ily all so much! AND I LOVE YOU COMMENTS! You guys have made me laugh so many times as I read through the comments >__<


Work resumed, coffee was drank to keep their energies up, and content was brainstormed on for Le Bleu magazines. The whole production team had arrived back in Korea that morning and were back at work the next day after having a day to relax and catch up on sleep.

However, if Juhee and Jimin were to say that it was a regular day at work like all the other days in the past, they would be lying. Now, they looked forward to work since that meant that they could be together from 9am to 4pm each day. 

From the airport in New York all the way to arriving back to their hometown, they couldn't help but smile whenever they thought about the special night they had at the park where their feelings were finally revealed. 

At one point, while the whole group was walking toward their gate to wait for the plane, Jimin smoothly walked across the group until he reached where Juhee was walking with Hana and gently nudged her side to signal to her that he was there beside her now. 

When Juhee turned around to see who had nudged her, she smiled to see Jimin looking around as if he did nothing. 

"Smooth, I guess?" Juhee couldn't help but giggle as she saw Jimin give her a nervous smile. Jimin wanted to talk with her and spend more time with her but was always too shy to initiate a conversation with her whenever she was around her friends. 

"Jimin! You look so happy today! It looks, good, keep smiling okay?" Hana peeped as she leaned forward to look over Juhee in order to see Jimin. 

Jimin smiled and replied back while secretly slipping his hand into Juhee's hand, "Thanks, I will." 

"I hope you keep on being happy too." Juhee said as she winked at Jimin. Hana, who was completely oblivious, continued to ramble on-and-on about how yummy the chicken and egg sandwich she had that morning was. Although Juhee wasn't paying attention to her anymore, Hana didn't notice. 

Once they boarded the plane, Jimin pouted when he saw the seat number on Juhee's ticket. 


Jimin looked back at his ticket.


Juhee laughed at how adorable Jimin's pout looked. It looked similar to the pout of a puppy and she wanted to pet his hair but held herself together to not make it obvious about their relationship in front of her colleagues. 

Once Juhee reached her seat, she buckled herself in and looked at the left seat beside her, wondering who would be the one to occupy that seat, wishing that it could have been Jimin. 

After 5 minutes, a man with a strong scent of Axe filled the entire space as he sat down right beside Juhee. 

Alarmed by the scent, she slightly leaned backwards and gave a quick look to her left to find a muscular man who had tattoos decorating his entire arm and wearing a white t-shirt that was obviously too tight for him. 

"Hey." The man said, except his eyes weren't looking into her eyes. Instead, they were busily wandering around her figure. 

Feeling his eyes mentally imagine scenarios on her body, Juhee started to unbuckle her seat belt to get up and ask a flight attendant if she could switch seats when the guy set a hand on her arm saying, "where are you going beautiful?"

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