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The revenue that Genoive had picked was a 5-star restaurant that was located by the river. The entire feeling of the restaurant was like a dreamy garden. Because Genoive was feeling a bit high from having so much fun in New York, he decided to really treat out the entire group to a special treat.

He reserved the top balcony of the restaurant for them to dine. On top, they would be able to feel the cool midnight breeze graze softly against their skin and drink wine underneath the blanket of twinkling stars surrounding them.

Out in front, the ocean was filled with lights because of all the boats that were calmly floating over the water.

"Woowwww, Genoive, you really outdid yourself tonight!" Said Juhee as she reached the balcony of the restaurant.

"This is breath-taking~" Even though no one heard Gem, she had fallen in love with the atmosphere of their dining spot that she didn't mind.

All of the members were just fanning Genoive's pride more with their compliments that even he felt a bit guilty for no reason.

"Yes, yes, okay. Enough with the chitter chatter, let's eat! Come, come, sit, sit!"

Genoive motioned for them to all make their way to the table as he waved both of his hands in the air.

One by one, each person sat down and got themselves situated. Like most group dinners, the beginning started off a bit quiet and awkward (partly because everyone was staring at the scenario around). But as the moon continued to glide across the night sky, the volume increased.

"Oh please, you were staring at me all day that I had to end up talking to everyone. There was one point that you even started to interview me!" Mindy said with a playful, sarcastic voice.

Everyone was laughing and showing their pearly whites as they imagined Dan acting the way that Mindy was describing. They could imagine it a 100%.

"Ahhh, should I tell you about my wild day today with all my ladies?" Genoive was rubbing his hands and leaning forward, getting ready to brag about his day when the waiter cut off his drift.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, dinner is served."

The waiter started placing the fancy delicacies in front of each person according to what they ordered.

"Sorry Genoive, but we are too hungry to listen to your story about your affiars~" joked Mindy as she was already digging into her Balsamic Strawberry and Peach salad.

The table was again filled with laughter, including Genoive.

"No, not even food can stop me. I will have to tell you afterward then~" Genoive said swirling a group of spaghetti noodles on his fork.

Even though the food stopped Genoive from bragging about his romance, it didn't stop the laughter and jokes. From Hana, to Juhee, to Jimin and Genoive, each person would crack a joke in between each bite of their meal.

"—it hurt so much that I swear that I probably lost my jams. Now I got no jams." Jimin said which caused the whole table to just lose it. Mindy was slapping Dan's back while covering her mouth with her other hand to hide her obnoxious laugh and the salad that was still being chewed on.

While everyone was laughing, Jimin glanced toward Juhee's direction to see if she was entertained by what he had just said.

Like eye candy, he saw Juhee's smiling eyes and crescent smile shine as bright as the stars that night. Watching her smile and laugh made him want to make her laugh all the time. He wanted to be able to make her genuinely happy so that he could witness such a bright smile and laugh.

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